Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Demonrat Controlled Chicago and Baltimore are War Zones!

Baltimore is not only a War Zone, but it is being sieged by rats -- RATS! -- and the Demonrats attack Mr. Trump because he tells the truth?   Even the lackeys in the extreme hard-left media have reported on this horrendous filth and rat invasion as recently as 2018.  Those reports had nothing to do with President Trump, yet he is attacked for pointing out the malfeasance of that lunatic Demonrat Cummings -- a hateful man with no sense of shame -- who has done little or nothing for the constituents that he represents.  Truly, a corrupt and racist bigot!

But the real tragedy is that the people who live in Baltimore and Chicago are enduring a nightmare of death and mayhem in the form of uncontrolled shootings and murder almost on a daily basis.

Keep in mind that both Chicago and Baltimore are under the control of Demonrat politicians who, among other things, make it nearly impossible for law-abiding citizens to obtain and carry concealed weapons to protect themselves and their families from the onslaught of ruthless gangs of drug dealers and MS-13-type killers roaming the streets in order to protect their territory from "outsiders".

Money talks, or should I say, money kills.  It has no regard for age, as even little children fall prey to stray bullets meant for the rivals of these malicious gangs of thugs.

The police are almost helpless to prevent this ongoing carnage of human lives who die daily on the streets of the Windy City as well as the devastated and rat infested Baltimore...

Why is this happening, and what can be done about it??

First, throwing more money at the problem will do little to alleviate the horrible situation of both the destruction of human life, as well as the filthy conditions that some folks have to endure in their respective neighborhoods as they go about trying to live out their lives in some form of relative peace and harmony.

But isn't money the solution?  Doesn't more money add more police and more services to clean up the cities of Chicago and Baltimore?  You would think so, but keep in mind that even if the money is provided, there is no guarantee that it will reach those affected by the scourge of death and filth.  Sadly, far to much of the monies allocated end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and labor unions on the payroll of the Demonrat machines that control those two, once-great American cities.

To cover up their disdain for their own citizens, they attack anyone who differs with their agenda and use that as a distraction from the real cause of the issues: hate and malice of those who fear God!

The Demonrats are not of God, but of the father of lies, Satan!  Hypocrites all...

There is only one, real solution to the ills and scourges of mankind: Christ the Lord!  Nothing, and no one else can save us -- no one!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...