Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Poem on Vietnam Veterans that were killed in action...

I wrote the following poem; it is dedicated to all Vietnam Veterans that were killed in action (KIA).  It is taken from my book: Tragedy and Triumph at Sun Valley.

To My Brothers...

Side by side we stood,
Black or white, it made no difference.
Catholic, Protestant, Jew, or atheist,
I may not have liked you, but I loved you.

Only God can give and only God can take away,
But Charlie took and never gave.
Why did my bunker-mate die and I live?
To fulfill my dreams but not his?

Yet he is with me always -- in my dreams,
Not wanted there, as I struggle to sleep.
Lord help me to live and not just exist;
Take this burden from my soul.

Have mercy on them that stayed,
Some here, some there.
Arlington is their home now,
As mine will sometime be.

E. DeLalla

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