Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The hypocrisy of the media; the mouthpiece of the left...

Brainwashing; what is it, and how it affects what people think and do.

First, here is the dictionary definition of brainwashing: to indoctrinate so as to replace a person's convictions with an opposing set of beliefs.

The problem is with this part of the definition: "so as to replace a person's convictions..."

What convictions?  Does the average "Joe" have convictions?  A set of beliefs that can fend off the attempt to brainwash in the first place?

How many folk, for instance, watch the 6'oclock "news," then immediately have it implanted in their psyche that what they just heard and watched, is now "gospel."  Do they even have the slightest inclination to question what they just heard?   To find out if the news is truthful, or real, or, perhaps, just made up?

Look at the current tidal wave of lies regarding our president; the ongoing investigations into "collusion" with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.  But completely ignoring the obvious felonies committed by the radical left, especially those of the Clinton and Obama regimes.

There are so many felonies it would take a book to list all the corruption and rotten deals made behind closed doors, but also those consummated in the open.

The arrogance of it all!

Let me pick just one example...

The handling, or, should I say, the mishandling of classified information.

For many years, I worked with sensitive, highly classified information, while an employee for the US Navy, and later, for a major defense contractor.  

If I had mishandled, or misplaced just one Top Secret message or document, or transmitted it in the "clear" (unencrypted) and it fell into unauthorized hands (mostly through electronic eavesdropping), I could have been convicted and sentenced to a lengthy term in Leavenworth federal prison.  

Hillary Clinton used computers, and other devices, to store and transmit classified information "in the clear."  That means, it could very easily have been -- and probably was --intercepted and used against the US or our allies, to the detriment of the security of our nation, and our agents in the field.

So, the question begs: why hasn't this witch been prosecuted?   What spell does she have over the media and those responsible for enforcing the laws of our country?   Threats?   Fear of retribution?  "Suicide"?  Is the media that powerful?  Complicit?

I ask this question rhetorically, because, I feel, all are true, and more.

That is one of the reasons that I always point out, that we, as a people, cannot and should not, put our trust, hopes and dreams in any one man or woman politician, or political party, no matter how "conservative" he or she may be.

Gene DeLalla

1 comment:

  1. You said it; we are certainly living in the land of OZ and the wicked witch is still flying her crafty broom.


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