Sunday, June 17, 2018

What is the primary cause of the tidal wave of evil in the world?

Evil, it seems, is having its way with the world with little to impede its progress.

How can this be?

I contend that there is a main reason for this phenomenon; the obvious cannot be denied.

I will tell you all that it is the weakness in the Catholic Church.

The patience of the Founder of the church, I feel, must be close to the end.  And yet, He told us that the gates of hell will not prevail against her!  So what does this mean in "numbers" of the remnant that will be left?  It could be small, very small, but what matters is that there will be an element of the faithful left to fulfill the command to spread the Word and baptize all nations.

It is said that it will be the laity, and not the hierarchy that will save and serve His church.  I believe this to be true.

The church, at one time, was seen as a moral and spiritual beacon in a world gone mad, even by non-Catholics; a lighthouse, if you will, in the fog of heresy and the storm of revolution, but no more.

I admit that it would be easy, very easy to despair, but remember the promise.  He does not renege; the Word is concrete; it will last until the end of time...

Keep that promise in mind; never give up the fight for what is right and just!  Be charitable toward your family and your neighbor, and, above all, have faith!

Gene DeLalla  

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