Friday, June 15, 2018

Man-up! Woman-up!

Look, it's tough out there, but that doesn't mean men can't be men, and women can't be women.

These days, it's easy to become "soft" because of all the political correctness, and the threat to be labeled a hater.

So what?

Men, do what you have to do to exert your proper role in society, whether in the single or married state.  Be masculine, and all the good that entails; if married, then be a leader of the household; discipline your children with proper charity, but do discipline!  Love your wife, as St. Paul admonishes husbands to do.  This is only natural.

Women, exert your true femininity, if single, give a good example to your "sisters."  Don't go along to get along and sacrifice your moral standing, perhaps, because as a single, you may, from time to time, feel lonely.

Again, so what?

Seek direction; let providence be your guide; pray.

If married, be the heart of your home; the bulwark against all the evil that might attempt to infiltrate your home and influence your children.

The roles of real men and real women is complimentary -- and necessary!

Have righteous anger against that which is evil; admonish those who do evil, in some way, shape, or form, especially those in the family unit, but again, with charity.

Never give an inch; never compromise moral absolutes; never give up!

Man-up!  Woman-up!

1 comment:

  1. Great letter, Gene; coming from the HEART of our home.


Thank you for your comment.

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