Thursday, June 28, 2018

What the coming battle will be all about...

Simply stated: The coming battle will be between the forces of evil, and the forces of good.

Make no mistake about it, the evil forces include a political party; the Democrats, and their allegiance to the anarchists who want to prohibit our freedom of speech, and disarm us.  In other words, to abolish the First and Second Amendments.

If you think I'm lumping all Democrats into that category, you would be wrong, however, it is a fact that any members of that party who dare to speak out against the culture of death, (abortion, contraception, homosexuality, euthanasia) are muzzled to the point of being threatened.  I can't prove this, but the actions or, in this case, inactions of those pro-life Democrats speaks volumes.  Hence, you rarely if ever hear a pro-life Democrat give an interview, or speech carried in the mainstream media.  Almost never!

But this is more, much more than "just" the cause of life and death in the form of abortion, it is a cause of what will be left of our Constitutional republic if civil war does erupt.

As far as the Republicans are concerned, lets not close our eyes to the obvious fact that far too many members of that party embrace the Democrat agenda wholeheartedly.  We call them RINOs: Republicans in name only.

If I were to label the Republicans the party of life, that would be a stretch.  Many are "pro-choice."  Of course, "pro-choice" refers to the mother having the right to destroy her developing baby; there is little choice for the poor kid in the womb.

Currently, the leftists and their minions use a very familiar tactic: they accuse us of what they do.  I see this on a daily basis.  And it works, at least on those who take the "6'0clock news" as gospel.

When, or should I say, if, the confrontation does occur, some of our institutions will no longer be recognizable after the dust settles.  Including the way we live our lives; earn a living; express our opinions, etc.

And I wonder if the living will envy the dead?

The comments I'm making refer to the upheaval that may take place here, in the U.S., but I'm afraid  the war will not be limited to our shores, but also to many countries that are attempting to stem the flow of their enemies from the ongoing invasion, threatening their culture; their way of life.

Ultimately, all wars are the result of kicking God out of the public sphere, when that happens, He allows us (through our free will) to choose evil over good; the dark over the light.

So, who do we have to blame in all of this?  I'll let the reader answer that one...

Gene DeLalla

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