Saturday, June 2, 2018

The value of friendship...

What is a friend?

I could also ask: what is love?

In my opinion, the two are synonymous.

Friends are special people, and differ somewhat from loving thy neighbor, because there is a deeper bond between the two.   Yes, a bond that transcends love of neighbor or charity.  This bond is mysterious, as faith is also a mystery.

When I was in the military, there were some men who I didn't like, but I loved them, and was willing to fight and die with or for them.

Friends can be two males or two females, but there is a very special bond between a male and a female; a man and a woman.  This bond is not of the carnal nature, that is reserved for husband and wife, but it does signify the willingness to sacrifice; care about; worry about; feel sadness when the other is sad, just as in marriage.

As far as the man is concerned, there is the sense of chivalry toward his lady friend; a sense of wanting to protect, respect and honor her.

And for the woman, she knows that he has her best interests at heart, and is dependable; always there for her.   What a feeling!

Friendship is a special gift, if you have it, nurture it, relish it, and above all, love your friend.

E. DeLalla


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