Friday, June 29, 2018

The Supreme Court will be crucial in the coming fight...

We all know the statue of the Lady of Justice.  She is, by necessity, blind.  And that's the way she should be.

But we also know that is not always the case.  In fact, I haven't witnessed "blind" justice for as long as I can remember.  This is very discouraging and scary to say the least.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, there are concrete indications that another civil war might just happen, and if it does, it will tear our fatherland apart.  But as gold is separated from the impurities that surround it by extreme, high heat, the resulting product is tested and pure, so too, we, as a nation, will be purified from our grievous faults.  That is, if we acknowledge our failings and turn back to Him, the Author of our freedoms and rights.

Supreme Court Justice, Kennedy, is set to retire -- thank goodness!!  And President Trump is readying his newest nominee to the high court.  Already, the hard left in the congress are vowing to fight, and fight hard to kill that nomination.  It will be "bloody," but in the end, Kennedy's seat will be filled, hopefully, with a pro-life, strict constructionist.  We must pray that he, or she, will not morph into something unrecognizable after years on the bench, as others, sadly have.

Something has to be mentioned here, and that is, there should be no liberal or conservative justices on the high court, or even at the lower courts.  No, all judges, by the nature of their office, should be absolutely impartial; decide by the facts in the case, and deliver justice based on those facts.  Yet today, we see judges who are ideologues, legislating from the bench, based in their political allegiance, instead of meeting out unbiased justice.  This, I believe, is one of the reasons our country is choking from a deadly, contaminated atmosphere of injustice, hostile to the citizens who pay the salaries of our public servants.

In conclusion, remember it was Justice Kagan, that, when still a nominee, and before the Senate Judiciary committee, was asked the question: what are your views on natural rights.  Her answer: I have no views on natural rights.


Right there and then, she should have been rejected, but she is now seated, and probably will be for 25 or 30 more devastating years, an enemy of the pre-born, as she continues to support abortion and other unnatural acts as a "right."

The fight is coming; pray, and pray continuously for true justice, and most importantly, pray for strength for what is heading our way; be prepared, and never, ever give up.

Gene DeLalla

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