Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Another "civil war" has begun...

If you studied American history when in school, surely you learned about the "Civil War."

Was it really a "civil war," or was it the war between the states, or, the war of northern aggression?  Call it what you will, literally, hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting for their respective causes.  And now, we have another civil war brewing on the streets of America.

Am I exaggerating?  Not in the least.  Even the bought and paid for leftist media can't hide this fact.  Pictures don't lie, and, yes, they are worth a thousand words.

I'm not only talking about the anarchists attacking law-abiding citizens attempting to exercise their right to freedom of speech, or the right to move about unhindered, as we have just witnessed with certain leftist, loony business owners harassing anyone who dares to adhere to the Natural Law -- and that's what this amounts to in the long run, but also the on-going massacre that one reads about in the  nation's third largest city: Chicago.

Even the liberal rag, the Chicago Tribune, couldn't hide the statistics.

On June 26, 2018, it was reported that within a fourteen hour period, 21 people were shot; two were killed, and two of the wounded were under 18 years of age: an 11- and a 13-year old boy.

Know that this is not an isolated incident, quite the contrary.  The city has been setting records every year for the most homicides of any American city, far surpassing Detroit, New York, and Los Angeles, and the slaughter continues.

Also know, that the vast majority of those shot and killed are blacks; killed by other blacks, mostly gang members, drug dealers, and the like.

Keep in mind, that Chicago has the toughest, most strict gun laws in the nation.  But apparently that has little effect if the outlaw wants to get his hands on a weapon.  All he has to do is to put the word out on the street; get the money, and within an hour or two, he has the means to continue the mayhem.  So much for "gun control."

Have you heard about this?  If not, why not?

Well, I'll give you one answer: the mayor of that war zone -- I mean Chicago -- is a character by the name of Rahm Emmanuel.

Who is Rahm Emmanuel?  He was one of the former chiefs-of-staff of the most disastrous presidents in American history: Barack Obama.

Mr. Emmanuel is black, and very liberal.  Maybe that's the reason he hasn't been run out of town on a rail?

As an aside, did you know that Obama was the second black president, not the first?

Want to know who the first "black president" was?

Another disaster for the republic: William Jefferson Clinton; aka: Bill Clinton.

He was crowned by the mainstream media as such!

But I digress...

The hate and malice displayed by the hard-core communists has infected the media, the corporate big-wigs, as well as the megabanks that, for all practical purposes, control the direction of the economy, headed by that destroyer of freedom: the Federal Reserve.  Again, I do not exaggerate.

So, we have a battle on at least two fronts: the first, and main battle, is that of defending the Natural Law, as an extension of the supernatural law as dictated by the Creator, and the second, defending our rights guaranteed by the Constitution.  Notice, I wrote "guaranteed" by the Constitution, not granted by same.  You and I must know the difference, lest we loose those rights.

In closing,  it is imperative to realize that we are in a fight; a battle; a war for good over evil.  The false prophet is quickly revealing himself (or herself?).

Be vigilant; pray!

Gene DeLalla

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