Thursday, June 7, 2018

The lack of moral absolutes and its disastrous results.

The culture of death is "alive" and well here in our beloved country, as well as in many -- far too many -- Western nations.  I contend that the lack of moral absolutes are the main cause, and that stems from the misuse of our free will.

The results are disastrous.

This can be seen in the snuffing out of life of the pre-born, euthanasia, homosexuality, promiscuity, contraception, pornography, the invasion of illegal immigrants, and numerous other facets that seem to be accepted because it is "legal" -- or wanted -- in many states and nations.

There are exceptions to this plague, such as Poland, and a few other sovereign countries, some in Africa, fighting for their very existence in the face of the onslaught of money and influence, mostly from outside sources attempting to smash the resistance of a God-fearing people.

The recent debacle in Ireland is a prime example.

But that debacle was not a flash-in-the-pan; something new or foreign.  The repeal of their Eight Amendment (protecting the life of the mother AND her preborn) was the result of decades of weakness of the Catholic Church and her willingness to accept the "spirit of the age."

Even non-Catholics, at one time, looked to the Church in Ireland and elsewhere, as a moral beacon in a world gone mad, but apparently that is no longer the case.  Not only is this a sad turn of events, it is a disaster of an unimaginable magnitude.

It seems that the demon is winning the battle for individual souls and nations as well.

What chance do we have to counter this abomination?  Is despair the only answer?  

I say, no!  

Remember, charity begins at home.  Strengthen your families; pray; instill love of God; discipline your charges; abide by the Natural Law; practice your Catholic faith; if not Catholic, come into the Church; find, and talk to a traditional Catholic priest.  If your children are not already baptized, get them to the baptismal font, quickly!

Never give up the fight!  

E. DeLalla


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