Thursday, June 21, 2018

"We the people..."

"We the people..."  Taken from the Constitution of the United States; a document that I quote often along with the Declaration of Independence, but I think there must be some clarification regarding that iconic phrase.

These two fundamental documents are the cornerstones of our nation from its nascent formation to the present day.  However, my patriotism must yield to my Catholic faith, and not the other way around.

What do I mean?

As stated in the Declaration of Independence: ...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...

In reality, "their just powers" are not derived from the consent of the governed, but from above, from God.

Remember, when Christ stood before Pilate, He stated that he (Pilate) would have no power over Him if it were not given to him from above (from His Father in Heaven).

To their credit, the founding fathers refer to "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" concerning our unalienable rights (granted by the Creator); those of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

But keep in mind, the French Revolution also received its powers from the "consent of the governed," in that case, a horde of anarchists, determined to trash the Natural Law and religion in favor of a do- whatever-I-want attitude so long as those "rights" don't violate the "rights" of others.

The majority rules ethos (democracy), can lead to another French Revolution mentality right here in our beloved country.  It's called mob rule.  As an example, even if a man-made bill becomes law, must it be obeyed no matter how unjust it is to basic rights, such as the right to life?

The answer is no.

Any man-made law or court decision that violates the Natural Law is automatically null and void.  That is not my opinion, but the constant teaching of tradition (and the Church!).

I admit that good and decent people have gone to jail, and will go to jail over this fundamental truth.

The "mob" in the case of the "right" to terminate a pregnancy, came to us from a supreme court ruling that directly violated the Natural Law and the Fifth Commandment: thou shalt not kill (murder).

We have no one to blame but ourselves; we are not perfect, but must hope and pray to become so, or else nothing will change.

Gene DeLalla 

1 comment:

  1. Powerful statement; very well put together, I must say.


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