Monday, June 4, 2018

Gun Control?

Chicago, with, perhaps, the toughest gun control laws on the books, had 38 shootings, and 8 fatalities over the Memorial Day weekend.

Was there much or any coverage in the liberal media?  I didn't hear or read it.

I think I have the answer: the mayor of Chicago is the ultra-liberal Democrat, Rahm Emanuel, the former chief of staff of Obama.

Now, just think if the mayor was a conservative Republican!  He would have been tarred and feathered, and run out of town on a rail!  But the deep-stater, Rahm, is exempt from any such actions, let alone any criticism.

So, if you think there is no bias in the "news" these days, I have a bridge for sale....

As you can now see, "gun control" only further ties the hands of LAW ABIDING citizens, not the OUTLAWS.

Does anyone think that the bad guys: the gangster, the drug dealer, the murderer, the bank robber, the kidnapper, the rapist, the mugger will turn in their weapons, whether they be guns, knives, machetes, baseball bats, cast-iron frying pans, etc.?

I think not.

If the bad guy wants to buy a handgun, or rifle, or shotgun, or whatever, all he has to do is to put the word out on the street, and, for the right amount of filthy lucre, he gets what he wants.

Don't you think that the esteemed mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, knows that?  Of course he does.  So why doesn't he crush the bad guys?   Because it re-enforces his argument for more -- that's right -- more gun restrictions in the former playground of Al Capone.    

Remember, this is all about CONTROL!  Control of weapons (guns and such), and, ultimately, control of the people themselves.  If it can happen in Chicago, it can happen anywhere, even in the "Live Free or Die" state of New Hampshire.

And as each day goes by, I am more convinced that we just might have to fight for our rights -- or die.

Does that sound a little extreme?   Perhaps, but I can ask the question this way: would you (and I) allow ourselves to "live" under such a tyranny without a fight?

Remember the movie: Red Dawn?   Think it can't happen here?

I'll let you folks answer that question...

E. DeLalla

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