Monday, June 18, 2018

The monsters of Murder, Inc. (AKA: "planned" "parenthood")

So, you think that the ancient Incas or Aztecs were barbarians regularly sacrificing live humans to their "gods"?   Well, they had nothing on the monsters who tear apart pre-born babies and sell their parts to other demons for filthy lucre.

What strikes me as almost baffling, is the coldness of heart when I hear those "doctors" (remember the Hippocratic oath?  Do no harm!) discuss what they do if they have a "problem" if the poor, tiny girl or boy doesn't "cooperate" and, perhaps, fights for his or her life while still in their mother's womb -- the greatest of all instincts, to preserve one's life.

What is also striking, are some of the recent rulings by various liberal judges who attempt to sensor, and even stop, the undercover videos exposing these heinous "procedures" employed at Murder, Inc.  (By the way, there really was a Murder, Inc.  A mob organization formed back in the 1930s for the purpose of putting "contracts" out -- a hit -- on their enemies.)

Remember, it was our so-called supreme court that, back in 1973, using phony info from brainwashed females, concluded that somewhere in the Constitution, was a "right to privacy" so the mother -- and I use that term very lightly -- could terminate her pregnancy (kill her baby, legally, with no consequences).

Funny thing, those judges, in their ruling, failed to mention the Declaration of Independence -- not to mention the Natural Law -- expounding our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

You can't have liberty or the pursuit of happiness, without LIFE.

So, here we are 60 + million pre-born murders later, with little change in sight.

Sure, Pres. Trump would like nothing better to defund that hellish "non-profit" organization, but the resistance from the Demonrats -- and even from too many Republicrats -- is astounding, and, yes, diabolical, and outright frightening to any decent soul.

Another aspect of those who support Murder, Inc., is the fact that so many bought and sold politicians are "Catholic," or claim to be same.

Right, and if you believe that, I have this bridge for sale...

One more thing: this ongoing disaster continues to have so much momentum because of contraception.

Those who claim to be "pro-life" (and there are some true pro-lifers out there) might also be using contraception.  So what if the contraception fails?

See the dilemma, and the possible next course of action?   After all, if "I" have that "problem," there is always the alternative, right?  And no one has to know about it; this is called self-deception.

Either one is pro-life -- and that includes NOT using contraception -- or stop using the term pro-life to describe yourself or your organization...

But always pray to end abortion, contraception, homosexuality and euthanasia, and for the stability of marriage in this country and around the world.

Gene DeLalla

1 comment:

  1. And those of you who say, "Well in order for me to avoid a pregnancy I have to be on contraception." I say, "No; that is not the answer. The answer is to stop fornicating and live by God's words: See I Corinthians 5:9+10 and 6:9; I Timothy 1:10; & Hebrews 13:4."


Thank you for your comment.

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