Friday, June 8, 2018

Judging others.

The Bible tells us not to judge others, that is, if we don't want to be judged!   Makes sense to me.  But the Scripture verse that is often quoted, mainly by those who misunderstand or misinterpret that verse, say that we cannot, under any circumstances, judge anyone for any reason.

This is false.

So, what is meant by that verse?  

First, it should be mentioned that there are four types of judgments: Divine judgment; General judgment; Last judgment, and the Particular judgment.

I'm not going to write a book here, and it could very easily fill a book to discuss these four types of judgments.  Instead, I just want to concentrate on what it means to "judge" someone, and to show that it does not mean that we shouldn't judge anyone at all, at any time.

In fact, just the opposite is true.  And I can prove it using reason and God-given common sense.

For instance, admonishing the sinner (a spiritual work of mercy), by its very nature, means that we have "judged" someone that has done or said something that is wrong or evil.  And this is where common sense comes in.

As an example, if you or I were walking down Main Street, USA, and as we approach a bank, out comes this guy holding a bag of money, with a smoking 45 pistol in his hand.  Common sense tells us (or should tell us!) that this guy is a bad dude; a bank robber, and potential killer.  Would you or I walk up to this guy, and with a big smile on our faces, say: "have a nice day, brother."

I don't think so.

But why not?  

Because we have JUDGED him to be an outlaw, a gangster, a felon, and a threat to life and limb; maybe our life and limb!

We take cover and hope that he doesn't see us and take a shot at us.

When he is caught, he is tried, and if found guilty, is sentenced to prison or death.

A judge and jury found him so, and passed sentence.  They JUDGED him.

In fact, we make many hundreds of little, and sometimes momentous, judgments every single day.  We have to, in order to function in society.

Some of these judgments can be very simple, and easily accomplished.  Others, can literally mean the difference between life and death, as in the bank robber example.

The thing to keep in mind here, is that we make righteous judgments of others.  And with true humility, we can, indeed, make those necessary judgments righteous.

One last thing; only God can judge the interior, the heart of a person, we, on the other hand, can only make objective judgments of others, as we cannot know the interior or heart of a person...

E. DeLalla


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