Saturday, June 16, 2018

Evolution and atheism.

The unproven "theories" of evolution as presented by Charles Darwin have swept the world.

As a natural consequence of this disaster, the rise of secular humanism has also swept the world.

Many have come to believe that because of the "reality" of evolution, the idea or need for a Creator being has been negated.  This, of course, plays right into the hands those who believe that mankind evolved from some lower form of life, e.g., an ameba that crawled out of the pond full of scum, and eventually started to "think."   (I have shortened the timespan here by about a couple of hundred million years, of course.  No need to continue to believe in the Biblical story of creation...)  

How did all that happen?  Easy: natural selection.  Right?

Now, some would criticize me for bringing in religion regarding a comment about evolution, but bear with me and I'll show you the connection, or, should I say, the disconnect between communistic atheism and God.

In the early- to mid-twentieth century, there was a Catholic bishop by the name of O'Gara who was assigned to care for, and evangelize the needy in China.  As World War II got under way, the Japanese, initially successful in their rampage through many provinces, arrested and imprisoned the good bishop O'Gara in 1941, and sentenced him to death.

The sentence was never carried out, so he, and others survived only to be re-arrested by the Communists (under Mao) in 1949, and again, imprisoned.

I will now let Bishop O'Gara tell in his own words what he and others were "taught" in the re-education camps:

“Now what, I ask,” wrote the bishop, “was the first lesson given to the indoctrinees? One might have supposed that this would have been some pearl of wisdom let drop by Marx, Lenin, or Stalin.  Such however was not the case. The very first, the fundamental,  lesson given was man’s descent from the ape – Darwinism!  . . . Darwinism negates God, the human soul, the after-life. Into this vacuum Communism enters as the be-all and the end-all of the intellectual slavery it has created. In the Red prison in which I was held, the slogan, ‘Bring your mind over to us and all your troubles will end,’ was hammered into the minds of the prisoners with brutal and numbing monotony.  Nothing but a groveling holocaust of the human person can satiate the lust for dominance of Peking’s Red regime.”

Darwinism; evolution; the state; the negation of God; the result: slavery, not freedom...

Are all atheists Communists?  Certainly not, but those who choose not to believe in God (He gave us free will to do just that!) will "believe" in anything except God. 

Gene DeLalla

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