Monday, June 11, 2018

Inalienable rights...

Inalienable rights...

We hear this term used, but what are inalienable rights?

Here is the dictionary definition: Not capable of being given up or transferred.

In a previous post, I wrote that our inalienable rights are NOT given to us by government, but are given to us by God, and that it is the duty, the job, of government to guarantee those rights.

But let us look at that dictionary definition once again: Not capable of being given up or transferred.

This simple definition is just that, simple, but complex in its meaning, as only human beings have inalienable rights that cannot be given up -- or taken away! -- nor can they be transferred (as the globalists would like to see AI robots have those very same human rights).

The idea of robots having human rights, of course, is pure nonsense.  But what is not nonsense, is that the elite -- and, yes, there is an elite that would very much like to take our inalienable rights away -- want non-humans, including some species of animals, to have human rights also.

So what does all this lead to?

I contend that it leads to the loss of sanctity and value of human life, especially the pre-born, the most vulnerable of all humans.

Taking this terrible trend further, we can easily see that if the life of a pre-born baby girl developing in her mother's womb is considered to be just a blob of cells, why should anyone care about protecting the "fetus" (the unborn young of a mammal -- according to the dictionary) from destruction?

Sadly, in our own country, and many nations as well, the taking of the life of the pre-born is "legal," and used as a form of birth control, and declared to be a "right" of a woman to end her pregnancy.

We destroy the most defenseless of our own in the most heinous ways, without fear of man's law, but most importantly, without fear of God's judgment; His justice.

And that is the key: lack of fear of the Lord.  Without this fear, we do what we want, when we want, without fearing the ultimate price that will someday be paid.

God will not be mocked.

E. DeLalla

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