Saturday, June 23, 2018

Despicable hate and malice directed at the president and his cabinet...

I have been around since President Truman; now that's a lot of years!

But I have never, ever seen anything like the hate, malice, and lies that is directed each day at President Trump and his cabinet, not to mention his family, including his young son.

The leftist, radical, anti-American media and their lackeys, are themselves beyond despicable.  Lets face it, they want nothing but upheaval and anarchy.  But I would caution these merchants of hate, that, as in the French Revolution, the instigators of same, eventually went to the guillotine themselves, as a rabid dog turns on its master.

I must warn those that attempt to destroy our country, that I, for one, will fight to the end, and I'm not just talking about peacefully either.

So beware: this is one veteran that will act, and act hard with everything at my disposal to preserve and protect my country and my family from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Gene DeLalla 

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