Sunday, June 24, 2018

The tactic of the leftists..

Have you ever been shouted down when you attempted to express a "conservative" talking point, i.e., speak some common sense, or received a piece of hate mail without a return address?

What the radical left does is to label someone a racist or bigot, or hurl some other epithet at those who disagree with their ideology or agenda.  In effect, since they cannot counter the truth, they accuse you and I of what they themselves do.  It really makes no sense at all.  But then the left makes no sense.

If these folks want to turn what is left of our republic into some type of socialist utopia, -- hint, they will not succeed! -- why don't they just go live in Communist China or some other third-world hell-hole?

Let's face it, far too many leftists are, in fact, communists.  There, I said it.

In case anyone is wondering, this short post is a follow-up to my "Domestic enemies beware," and is intended to draw a line in the sand, so to speak, when it comes to just how much you and I will endure before we have a little target practice, and sharpen our self-defense skills.

Let's not kid ourselves, there is a real movement in our country to take down a sitting president, and I might add, us!  You know, pro-life, pro-family, pro-2nd amendment, veterans, church-going, God-fearing Americans; we're all in their cross-hairs; we are their targets.  But I say, we have the means to protect and defend ourselves, a lot more than "they" think.    

The gutless media and their minions, are taking far too much for granted when it comes to what those punks think we'll swallow.

Has anyone seen the movie: Tora, Tora, Tora?  It was produced around 1970, and was a compilation of events that lead up to the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

After the initial successful raid at Pearl, Admiral Yamamoto was in council with his officers on the battleship.  There was a lot of self-congratulating going on, until the admiral (who, by the way, was a Catholic) made a very somber and sobering statement.  He said that he had great fear that all the attack on Pearl Harbor did was to awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve.

You see, he lived and was educated in the US back in the 1930s, so he knew when an American is pushed into a corner, they would strike back, and strike back very hard, until the enemy is destroyed.

He was right.  I apply that same warning to those who think we -- the "silent majority" -- are a sleeping giant.  That would be a very big mistake!

If anyone doesn't like this post, too bad.

Man-up; woman-up.

Gene DeLalla

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