Sunday, June 3, 2018

What is happening to the "boy" scouts?

One of the last institutions in the country that could be counted on to be a bastion of masculinity as well as a place for the development of male youth to gain knowledge and virtue so very needed to face an ever-changing, hostile world, has now become something unrecognizable, bordering on the unnatural.

This sad turn of events has caused many parents (why not all parents?) to seek other alternatives to help guide their youthful boys into manhood, and away from an agenda that is sure to destroy that common sense knowledge and virtue as mentioned above.

Unfortunately, the modernists and their minions -- and that includes the homosexual, lesbian and baby killing organizations -- have almost completely infiltrated the-once-honored and revered Boy Scouts (and Girl Scouts!).

So, parents, make up your collective minds, and get your male children out of the "boy" scouts, and into one of the many and fine budding organizations now available for the development of boys (and girls).

I beg God to have mercy on our country for this, and so many other abominations now festering like an uncontrollable gangrene, that must be cut out, lest the entire body is consumed and destroyed.

E. DeLalla  

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