Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Is peace breaking out?

Is it possible that peace is beginning to break out in at least one corner of the world -- the Korean peninsula?

Perhaps, but unless and until we, as a country, disengage from the numerous "little" wars that we have, for many years now, been embroiled in, and pull our troops out of sovereign nations-states, I'm afraid not much will change in the overall scheme of things.

One obvious place to start would be South Korea, where we have nearly 30,000 troops that have been used as a buffer against any perceived North Korean invasion of the prosperous South.  If that were to happen, I know a good place to re-deploy those forces: the southern border of our own country to help stem the tsunami of illegal aliens onto our sovereign soil.

After a successful de-nuclearization of North Korea -- if that actually happens -- a list of the beleaguered countries that we have invaded and occupied for over a decade should be put on the table; withdraw our troops, and leave the destiny of those peoples to their own devices.  Iraq and Afghanistan come to mind, but that list will be a long one, including the African continent.

Let's face the undeniable fact, that, unfortunately, our military actions across the world has left a trail of death, mayhem and despair.  And for what?  Regime change; to spread our form of "democracy"?

Or, can it be that the wars and rumors of wars have all been part of the agenda of the military industrial complex (as President Eisenhower warned us about) that would provide a steady diet of opportunities for the arms and munitions manufactures to enjoy almost endless profits amounting to trillions of dollars over the years, not to mention the almost inconceivable human misery perpetrated, mostly, on the innocent.

Will President Trump be able to buck the establishment war mongers and fulfill his promise to pull our troops out of, at least, Iraq and Afghanistan?  

Bottom line: we cannot put all our expectations and hopes in one man or one political party to counter the culture of death (and that includes the killing of the pre-born!).

You know as well as I, that our hopes and dreams for a lasting peace can only be put on the shoulders of Christ and His most Blessed Mother (listen to Her message at Fatima!).  All other efforts will be futile...

E. DeLalla


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