The above statement is false!
The job of the government is to guarantee our rights; it doesn't grant our rights to us.
Further, the courts have no authority over our natural rights.
Those that argue that the courts (the government) can determine if we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, are in grave error.
The simplest of answers is that our natural rights come from our Creator, our God, and not the government or the courts.
When Kagan was before the Senate Judiciary committee (as a nominee to the Supreme Court) she was asked the question: what are your views of natural rights?
Her answer was astonishing.
She told those senators that she had no views on natural rights!
Let me repeat that: she said she had no views on natural rights.
Right then and there, those senators -- after picking up their respective jaws off the floor -- should have immediately rejected her nomination. Instead, she is now on the court, and will be for 20, 30, or 40 years, there, to do more damage to our natural rights, especially, the right to life. The most fundamental of all rights.
I must ask again: God have mercy on our country.
E. DeLalla
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