Friday, June 22, 2018

Render (give) to Caesar...

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's...

What is meant by this, and how do we reconcile the evil things that "Caesar" does with the money and goods we render (or, should I say, are confiscated from us to give) to "him"?

We, as a people, must be governed, that is, we must be controlled to a certain extent, lest we revert to the jungle mentality, where anything goes; where anarchy runs rampant.

We live in a society, and because we do, we obey most laws, such as motor vehicle requirements, pay income taxes (completely unjust!), etc.  Some of those very taxes are used for purposes that violate our personal beliefs; our faith; the natural law, yet short of the anarchy I just mentioned, we can fight back, if not in the physical sense, then, by means of how we live our lives, raise our families, and live by the Commandments, essentially, how we treat our neighbor.

This is a tough position to be in.  But our good example speaks a thousand words to those around us.

Of course there are other alternatives; teaching, writing, evangelizing, general conversations not only with extended family members, but also with strangers, that is, if they are open to such.  Each one of us has different talents, ministries, if you will, God-given abilities that we can use and share.

In other words, we have to be social; interact with others.  As the saying goes: no man is an island.

As was promised to us, He will not leave us orphans; He is with us all days, even to the consummation of the world.  Now if that doesn't give us hope, nothing will!

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.

Gene DeLalla

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