Thursday, June 7, 2018

Real American Heroes...

Patrick Henry: Give me liberty, or give me death!

John Paul Jones, father of the American Navy: I have not yet begun to fight!

Col. Travis, of the Alamo: Victory or death!

What did all these nascent Americans have in common?

The will to fight for what was right; freedom from a foreign tyranny; for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (enshrined in the Declaration of Independence).

On June 6, 1944, began the allied invasion of Europe, and the beginning of the end of the Nazi scourge under the murderous lunatic, Hitler.

How many Americans walking down Main Street, USA, remember, that yesterday, June 6, was the 74th anniversary of D-Day?

With the current sad state of American history being taught in the school systems today, I would think that the average "Joe" doesn't know, or, even worse, doesn't care about a titanic event that is seventy-four years old.

But, to the families of those soldiers who died in that horrendous assault on the beaches of Normandy, I'm sure that they still remember or at least have grandchildren that were taught what their grandads did, not only for their own country, but also for the enslaved peoples of Europe.

And with all the deficiencies of our American system of "democracy," it is important to remember those aspects of our heritage, especially those of freeing others unable to free, or defend themselves.

I love my country, not necessarily my government.

Do you love your country?

E. DeLalla


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