Monday, June 10, 2019

Looking The Demon In The Face -- And Doing Nothing...

Most know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as reported in Scripture.  And what we know is that those two cities were destroyed for sins against Nature: the inhabitants became as animals in the jungle, with complete disregard for their own bodies -- and souls.

The complementarity of the sexes was cast aside as men lusted after men, and women lusted after women.  And they paid the price...

Today, we have the same, if not worse, abominations in this country with radical homosexuals parading in the streets in some of the most putrid and disgusting demonstrations of filth imaginable.  Some mind-numbed parents actually take their children to these horrid events, forever destroying their innocence and confusing what is right and wrong in their tender and impressionable minds.

With the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors, in the 16th century, the exploration of the newly discovered Americas was undertaken...

What they found was vast new resources and beauty, but they also found bizarre and barbaric rituals among some of the native Aztecs and Incas, including human sacrifice.

It turned out that children were specifically raised to be killed in order to appease the wrath of their gods, as well as to beg for continued prosperity for what was left of their civilization.  

Fortunately, the Spanish soldiers put an end to this massacre of innocents...

Let us jump ahead, again, to the present day and see what we, as a people, are doing to another category of innocents: the pre-born, and now even the born!

The sacrifice of these little babies is to other gods of "choice", and "rights".  The culprits?   Females, and their enablers.

The sacrifice -- the murder -- of our little brothers and sisters has reached 60+ million just in the last 46 years since the horrendous decision of the "supreme court," Roe v Wade.  This does not include abortions world-wide!

I wonder when God Almighty will strike us down with His justifiable wrath because we did not stop this slaughter of His most precious gift to us as co-creators with Him to fulfill the command to multiply and subdue the earth.

Recently, several states, mostly in the "Bible Belt," have passed pro-life legislation to greatly reduce the number of abortions and to protect the newly formed life in the womb of her mother.  As a result, the powerful demon, anti-life crowd have gone ballistic, and have threatened the very economic survival of those states.

So be it...

At least those legislators have the guts to stand up for their little charges.  They are looking the demon in the face and are doing something.

However, those who do nothing will be held accountable on the day of judgment.  A true day of dread!

As St. Paul tells us: work out your salvation in FEAR and TREMBLING!

We live in the most prosperous nation on earth, yet our hands are covered with the blood of our most vulnerable -- and their cries to heaven for vengeance will be heard...

Will we suffer the same fate as Sodom and Gomorrah?

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla  

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

D-Day, June 6, 1944...

It was said by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that the attack on Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941, would be a day that "would live in infamy".

And it was for the nearly 3,000 Americans killed, not to mention the hundreds wounded, including civilians going about their Sunday duties to attend church and give thanks to God for all the goodness enjoyed by the greatest country ever to exist on earth.

No, I'm not some teary-eyed sentimentalist, not by a long shot, but I do recognize the land of my birth; my fatherland, and my responsibility to fight, if necessary, for it, all the way up to, and including, the ultimate sacrifice...

As it was for those military services that were thrust into war on that fateful day, nearly 78 years ago.

After much blood and sacrifice of life and limb, the day came for the invasion of Europe to free those countries being strangled by the German armies of Hitler and the Third Reich.

The future president Eisenhower was then a five-star general -- the Supreme Allied Commander of all allied forces in the European theater of operations.

The General had to make another fateful decision as to when to invade... the weather was gruesome, with storm-front after storm-front battering the coast of Normandy.

There were literally several million men under arms waiting for the word to "go".

That word came on June 6 (1944)… The invasion was on!

When the low clouds and coastal fog finally cleared, the Germans manning the gun-bunkers along the uncountable miles of beach, saw something they thought was a dream -- more like a nightmare to them!

Close to 5,000 ships were staring them right in the face!   Right smack in front of them!

There was no place to run, no place to hide...

When they came to their senses, they prepared for the worst, and that preparation meant a blood-bath for the American, British, and Canadian landing force that would soon face almost certain death when the landing craft swung open the hatches and let out its human cargo...

And that's exactly what happened....

When the steel flaps fell down to let the men hit the beaches, German machine-gun nests opened up and massacred thousands of troops as they hit the water.  Some, didn't even make it out of the water; some were shot; some drowned; some were blown up into pieces...

It was hell on earth!

But after the initial, hard-fought success, the next wave came ashore and re-enforced those that made it inland, even if only for a few hundred yards or so...

Those in the German high command knew that if the allies could gain a foothold on the beaches, and breech the defenses, then the war would eventually be lost.  They were right.

This was D-Day, June 6, 1944...

Today, one can see the "sea" of crosses of those that lost their lives helping to free the French and other peoples of Europe suffering under the barbaric Hitler...

This short article is just a little reminder that we should never forget D-Day, and the cost of freedom...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, June 3, 2019

The Goal of The Communists/Socialists/Liberals...

In this post-truth age, the enemies of the people (and Christ!) are the Socialists/Communists, and, by extension, the Liberals...

What is the goal of these miscreants?

It is quite simple: a Godless society where anything goes, a la the French Revolution.  The revolution that took place over 200 years ago, is alive and well right here in the U.S. of A., as well as numerous countries around the world, especially in Western Europe.

The mantra of the hard Left is tolerance -- but not tolerance of opposing ideas!  So, in effect, there is no tolerance of opposing views, especially those that believe in, and follow God, their Creator.

But it is not only hate of God, but of His greatest gift to us: new life, as co-creators with Him in multiplying and subduing the earth.

And it is not "just" abortion that is taking the almost uncountable lives of our little fellow humans, but now it's also infanticide!  Who on earth would have thought that such murder would be almost universally accepted as a "woman's right"?!

We now have prominent politicians on the Left advocating for infanticide as well as abortion up to birth!   But it gets even worse, if that were possible: the "right" to kill a toddler up to three years old!  There are actually lunatics now calling for such barbarism...

Again, the Communist and Socialist hate life and the building block of society, the family.  They are not stupid; they know if the family unit is destroyed, then the almighty state will become the "family" of mankind.  

They also hate the natural right of self-defense and the necessary defense of a country's borders, not only to preserve the culture of that country, but also to keep out those enemies that wish to eradicate a free people, and establish their own version of "sovereignty".

We cannot look toward one particular politician or one particular political party to be our savior.  No, we must look upward -- always upward! -- to the One that gave us life and the hope of being with Him forever after we leave this earth.  No one else will suffice; no one!

Pray for our country now more than ever.

Gene DeLalla 

Restoring Altar Rails (For Kneeling) In The Archdiocese Of New York? Hell NO, Say The Modernists!!

 These haters of Tradition are truly despicable!  This is one more horrible example of the modernists and their almost complete control of t...