Monday, June 3, 2019

The Goal of The Communists/Socialists/Liberals...

In this post-truth age, the enemies of the people (and Christ!) are the Socialists/Communists, and, by extension, the Liberals...

What is the goal of these miscreants?

It is quite simple: a Godless society where anything goes, a la the French Revolution.  The revolution that took place over 200 years ago, is alive and well right here in the U.S. of A., as well as numerous countries around the world, especially in Western Europe.

The mantra of the hard Left is tolerance -- but not tolerance of opposing ideas!  So, in effect, there is no tolerance of opposing views, especially those that believe in, and follow God, their Creator.

But it is not only hate of God, but of His greatest gift to us: new life, as co-creators with Him in multiplying and subduing the earth.

And it is not "just" abortion that is taking the almost uncountable lives of our little fellow humans, but now it's also infanticide!  Who on earth would have thought that such murder would be almost universally accepted as a "woman's right"?!

We now have prominent politicians on the Left advocating for infanticide as well as abortion up to birth!   But it gets even worse, if that were possible: the "right" to kill a toddler up to three years old!  There are actually lunatics now calling for such barbarism...

Again, the Communist and Socialist hate life and the building block of society, the family.  They are not stupid; they know if the family unit is destroyed, then the almighty state will become the "family" of mankind.  

They also hate the natural right of self-defense and the necessary defense of a country's borders, not only to preserve the culture of that country, but also to keep out those enemies that wish to eradicate a free people, and establish their own version of "sovereignty".

We cannot look toward one particular politician or one particular political party to be our savior.  No, we must look upward -- always upward! -- to the One that gave us life and the hope of being with Him forever after we leave this earth.  No one else will suffice; no one!

Pray for our country now more than ever.

Gene DeLalla 

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