Saturday, March 8, 2025

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope!

What are some of those implications?

How about the fact that a heretic "cardinal" is no longer in the Catholic Church (no longer holds the Catholic faith), votes in a conclave that would not be valid, and the "election" would not be valid, therefore, that person "elected" -- the pope -- would not be valid!

Please correct me if I'm wrong on this...

(Note: If ex-communicated "cardinals" do vote in the next conclave, The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"! -- There would be no valid pope!)                                         

No, I'm not a sedevacantist, but reality must be faced, regardless of the consequences!   Truth cannot be compromised or ignored for the sake of "unity," or to put on a proper face for the world to see...

And that's part of the problem with those heterodox, heretical "cardinals," they have embraced the zeitgeist -- the spirit of the world -- to form a new, novus ordo, synodal "church".  (A new synodal church are the words they have used!)

The following articles and videos shed some much-needed light on this horrendous situation now facing what the world sees as the Catholic Church.

Frist, we have an article from and written by Emily

MangiaracinaRalph Martin emphasizes danger of heretical cardinals taking part in the next papal conclave - LifeSite.

(Dr. Ralph Martin is by no means a "rad trad," not at all, but he acknowledges a very dire and present danger of heretic cardinals voting in the next conclave.  Please read and listen with an open mind!) 

Mon Mar 3, 2025 - 7:45 pm EST

"(LifeSiteNews) — Author and seminary professor Dr. Ralph Martin highlighted in a recent video the danger of the participation of heretical cardinals — like Robert McElroy — in the next papal conclave. 

Last week, Dr. Martin pointed to an article by Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, in which the orthodox bishop called out the heresy of certain prelates and warned that such heresy incurs automatic excommunication. 

As an example, Paprocki quoted from an article by McElroy in which the cardinal argued that the Catholic Church must permit unrepentant adulterers and active homosexuals to Holy Communion. Paprocki referred to McElroy’s condemnation of “a theology of eucharistic coherence that multiplies barriers to the grace and gift of the eucharist.”

McElroy wrote “as if no such barriers existed,” Paprocki noted. He continued:

They do exist, and they are a matter of divine revelation. The truth about eucharistic coherence that must be believed by divine and Catholic faith was articulated by St. Paul in his First Letter to the Corinthians: “Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord … For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself” (1 Cor. 11:27-29). This has been the constant teaching of the Church for the past 2,000 years. 

“To invite people to receive without repentance without faith, it’s really a sacrilege, it’s really blasphemous in many different ways,” Dr. Martin remarked.

He pointed out that Paprocki also took aim at Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich’s claim that “homosexual acts are not sinful” and that same-sex unions should be blessed by the Church. 

“Unfortunately, it is not uncommon today to hear Catholic leaders affirm unorthodox views that, not too long ago, would have been espoused only by heretics,” Paprocki remarked. “‘Heretic’ and ‘heresy’ are strong words, which contemporary ecclesiastical politeness has softened to gentler expressions such as ‘our separated brethren … ‘”

Paprocki stressed that such terms, however, are used for those who “reject essential truths of the faith … Thus, it is deeply troubling to consider the possibility that prelates holding the office of diocesan bishop in the Catholic Church may be separated or not in full communion because of heresy.”

The bishop maintained that both the statements cited above from Cardinals McElroy and Hollerich “would in fact involve heresy” because they constitute “the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt … of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith,” the canonical definition of heresy.

He further pointed out that canon 1364 states that “an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication,” meaning such persons are automatically excommunicated “without any canonical process.”

Dr. Martin alluded to Paprocki’s warning that if the pope does not remove heretical cardinals from office or laicize them, “the unseemly prospect arises of a cardinal, excommunicated latae sententiae due to heresy, voting in a papal conclave.”

Not only has Pope Francis not dismissed these prelates from their office or from the clerical state, Dr. Martin noted, he has actively promoted them. McElroy was recently appointed archbishop of Washington, D.C., and both were personally chosen by Francis as voting members of the Synod on Synodality. 

Speculation about the likely theological leanings of the next pope has been growing as Francis’ health worsens. LifeSiteNews’ Raymond Wolfe has pointed to Francis’ radical, heterodox American appointments to the College of Cardinals as indicative of his aspirations to usher in “a different Church” that “would all but destroy the Catholic Church as we know it.” According to Wolfe:

Their vision, much of it rooted in Francis’ controversial apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, includes dismantling the Church’s understanding of sin and conscience, overhauling Catholic teaching on homosexuality and the family, entrenching LGBT activism within the Church, and shielding homosexual abusers while crushing the faithful Catholic priests and laity who stand in their way.

McElroy alone has suggested that the Synod on Synodality will be a key part of reshaping even the “deposit of faith,” writing that the synodal process seeks “nothing less than a recasting of the culture of the church that will endure for generations,” and that “The deposit of faith is not an inert and abstract body of teaching.”

Considering that someone as practically heterodox as Francis has already been elected, and that since then he has only further stacked the College of Cardinals with like-minded men, many commentators anticipate that the next pope will be just as heterodox or worse.

Dr. Martin on Wednesday expressed his desire that, contrary to the prelates promoted by Francis, bishops would speak more clearly about the core of the Catholic faith and “what life is all about: It’s about dying in friendship with the Lord; it’s about having our sins forgiven; it’s about being freed from the power of the evil one; it’s about Resurrection from the dead.”'

End of article...

Next, I have a video (about 10 minutes in length) from​

Pray for the conversion of these heterodox, heretical "cardinals" -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Where Do We Get Such Creatures? From The Pit Of Hell?? "Cardinal" Roche: ‘Nothing Wrong’ With Latin Mass But Church Needed To ‘Move Away’ From It

 From and written by Michael Haynes, Snr. Vatican Correspondent, comes this gem: Cardinal Roche: ‘Nothing wrong’ with Latin Mass but Church needed to ‘move away’ from it - LifeSite

With characters such as "cardinal" Roche, the Church doesn't need any outside enemies, and, yes, he knows exactly what he's doing, and that's the scary part!

But he's simply following orders, right?  

Where have I heard that before?  

How about World War II and the demons responsible for the slaughter of nearly 6,000,000 Jews, Catholics and others -- yes, many Catholics were wiped out, not just the Jews!

Roche's hate for the Traditional Latin Mass has been made manifest for years under the heavy-handed Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio... 

It seems he has a tremendous disdain for those young, growing families who attend and love the TLM, along with those faithful priests who celebrate the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven!

Please read this article from, and I apologize in advance if the info turns your stomach upside down!

Thu Mar 6, 2025 - 7:14 am EST

"VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — After vigorously implementing Pope Francis restrictions on the traditional Mass, Cardinal Arthur Roche has said there is “nothing wrong” with the Latin Mass but that the Church wished to “move away from what had become an overly elaborate form of celebrating the Mass.”

Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (DDW) since May 2021, Cardinal Arthur Roche has overseen the radical restrictions imposed on the traditional Latin Mass by Pope Francis since July of that year.

Roche was already known as an opponent of the traditional Mass upon his promotion from secretary to prefect of the DDW.

Speaking to the Catholic Herald recently, the 75-year-old Roche fielded a question about the numbers of young Catholics flocking to the Latin Mass while having to deal with his restrictions on it.

Of course, it is good that people want to be part of the Church, and there is no reason why they cannot,” he said.

“There is nothing wrong with attending the Mass celebrated with the 1962 missal,” added Roche. “That has been accepted since the time of Pope St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict, and now Pope Francis.”

He continued, arguing that Francis’ restrictions in Traditionis Custodes showed that the Latin Mass “is not the norm.”

“For very good reasons, the Church, through conciliar legislation, decided to move away from what had become an overly elaborate form of celebrating the Mass,” stated Roche.

The English cardinal commented on the numbers of devotees of the traditional Mass as being “in reality, quite small, but some of the groups are quite clamorous. They are more noticeable because they make their voices heard.”

Roche repeated a much cited – and equally often rebuffed – argument made by critics against the Latin Mass, stating that the new Mass, or Novus Ordo Missae, exposes Catholics to more readings from Scripture over the course of its three-year lectionary cycle. “There is a much lower percentage of scriptural readings in the 1962 missal than there are in the newer missal,” he argued.

Notably, Roche appeared confused about why individuals are annoyed by others offering the Latin Mass, commenting that “what interests me is why people get hot under the collar about others celebrating the Tridentine Mass. I think this has been a mistake. Bishop Wheeler, of the Diocese of Leeds, insisted that a Holy Mass be celebrated in Latin according to the Novus Ordo at least once every Sunday in every deanery. That showed considerable wisdom.”

In his own view, Roche said that “the celebration of the Eucharist, in whichever missal you are using, should be very noble and marked by noble simplicity.”

He also appeared to jokingly rebuff the concerns of devotees of the traditional Mass by quipping that he says Mass in Latin most days in the Vatican:

I often hear people say, “Cardinal Roche is against the Latin Mass.” Well, if they only knew that most days I celebrate Mass in Latin because it is the common language for all of us here. It is the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin. I was trained as an altar boy until the age of 20, serving the Tridentine Form.

‘Hot under the collar’

Roche’s apparent confusion at people’s frustration with priests offering the Latin Mass comes in direct opposition to his own record on the matter. Along with the Pope’s restrictions on the ancient liturgy, Roche has issued his own restrictions with papal backing, and has been widely documented as rigorously enforcing restrictions on the Latin Mass in dioceses across the world to the detriment of often thriving congregations.

The latest figures show that in 2022, Roche’s office permitted just 60 parishes worldwide to host the traditional Mass, as he has emerged as the most ardent enforcer of a crackdown against the ancient liturgy.

READ: Vatican allowed fewer than 60 parish churches worldwide to offer Latin Mass in 2022

Indeed, former Vatican doctrine prefect Cardinal Gerhard Müller revealed last summer that “a senior representative of Roche’s Dicastery for Divine Worship” was dismayed when he heard of the huge numbers of young pilgrims on the traditional Mass pilgrimage to Chartres. Müller said the official “objected that this was by no means a cause for joy, because Holy Mass was celebrated according to the old Extraordinary Latin rite.”

Roche was also believed to be one of the leading architects of a document containing fresh restrictions on the Latin Mass last year, though following an outpouring of public demonstration from Catholics and non-Catholics – along with direct lobbying of the Pope by a Russian Orthodox man – the document never emerged.

While Roche and his Vatican office have persistently rolled back permission for the Latin Mass, the cardinal previously described devotees of the old rite as more Protestant than Catholic for their adherence to the Latin Mass.

“The theology of the Church has changed,” necessitating a change in liturgy, argued Roche in a public radio broadcast in 2023.

READ: Cardinal Sarah: Plans to ‘abolish’ Latin Mass would be ‘diabolical’

In early 2022, Roche repeated his prior sentiments, calling the remaining provisions of the Latin Mass “a pastoral concession,” and that the growth of the Latin Mass “couldn’t be tolerated because the [Second Vatican] Council had changed the way in which we’re going forward. That’s just a simple matter.”

His comments on the liturgy have been robustly criticized by scholars and journalists, with Roche accused of being ignorant of ecclesial history and liturgy or “shamelessly twisting the truth about the Latin Mass.”

Meanwhile, canon lawyers have argued that some of Roche’s actions violate the Church’s Canon Law and his restrictions have been criticized by his brothers among the College of Cardinals. Cardinal Raymond Burke has described Roche’s Responsa ad dubia as “confused” and “contradictory,” stating that “what the congregation [DDW] pretends is not only contrary to the good order of the Church, but contrary to reason.”'

End of very revealing article...

Pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for their conversion!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St.  Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

‘Episcopal Vicaress’ Appointed By Heterodox, Heretic Austrian "Bishop" Josef Marketz! Is She On The Road To The "Priesthood"?

 The lunacy just keeps coming and coming and coming...

Heterodox, heretic Austrian "bishop" has taken it upon himself to create a new, extra-canonical title specifically for women!!

Let that sink in!

From the Pillar (Austrian bishop names first ‘episcopal vicaress’) comes this nonsense: "The Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt said Feb. 26 that Bishop Marketz had named pastoral theologian Barbara Velik-Frank to the new diocesan office of “episcopal vicaress for synodality and Church development,” beginning March 1."

While the move is sure to provoke a response from canon lawyers — because the title of vicar is reserved to priests — Austrian Bishop Josef Marketz claims he has created a new, extra-canonical title specifically for women.

Bishop Josef Marketz and Barbara Velik-Frank with the decree announcing her appointment as ‘episcopal vicaress for synodality and Church development’ in the Gurk-Klagenfurt diocese. © Diözesan-Pressestelle Gurk-Klagenfurt/Eggenberger.

The Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt said Feb. 26 that Bishop Marketz had named pastoral theologian Barbara Velik-Frank to the new diocesan office of “episcopal vicaress for synodality and Church development,” beginning March 1.

The term “episcopal vicar” is derived from the Latin vicarius, meaning “substitute” or “deputy” of the bishop. According to canon law, an episcopal vicar must be a priest, because he exercises certain delegated powers linked to sacramental orders on behalf of a bishop.

In German-speaking countries, an episcopal vicar is known as a Bischofsvikar. The female equivalent would be Bischofsvikarin. But Velik-Frank will have the distinctive German title of Bischöfliche Vikarin, or “episcopal vicaress.”

Other European dioceses have made comparable appointments. At least two countries have female episcopal delegates, who serve as territorial coordinators responsible for a region of a diocese.

In 2020, Marianne Pohl-Henzen was named as an episcopal delegate in the Swiss Diocese of Lausanne, Geneva, and Fribourg, responsible for the German-speaking diocesan region in the canton of Fribourg. In 2021, Céline Ruffieux was named episcopal delegate of the canton’s French-speaking diocesan region. Pohl-Henzen was succeeded in 2024 by the 32-year-old Isabella Senghor.

In 2022, Marie-Andrée Beuret was appointed as a co-episcopal delegate for the French-speaking part of the Swiss Diocese of Basel.

In 2024, Rebecca Alsberge began a five-year term as episcopal delegate for the vicariate of Brabant Walloon, Belgium. Local pastors have been asked to include her in the Eucharistic Prayer at Masses.

According to the Gurk-Klagenfurt diocese, the canonical basis of the new office of episcopal vicaress is Pope Francis’ Nov. 25 note on the synod on synodality’s final document, which said that “synodality is the appropriate interpretative framework for understanding the hierarchical ministry.”

The papal note, which addressed how the final document should be implemented in dioceses worldwide, said that “in many cases, it is a matter of effectively implementing what is already provided for by existing law, both Latin and Eastern.”

But it added that “in other cases, it will be possible to proceed, through a synodal discernment and within the framework of the possibilities indicated by the final document, to the creative activation of new forms of ministeriality and missionary action, experimenting and subjecting experiences to verification.”

The synod on synodality’s final document strongly endorsed the appointment of women to Church leadership positions.

It said: “There is no reason or impediment that should prevent women from carrying out leadership roles in the Church: what comes from the Holy Spirit cannot be stopped.”

Comment: is it from the Holy Ghost, or...??

(My emphasis.)

The Gurk-Klagenfurt diocese covers the territory of Carinthia, Austria’s southernmost and least densely populated state. It serves around 338,000 Catholics out of a population of roughly 570,000 people.

Outlining Velik-Frank’s new role, the Gurk-Klagenfurt diocese said: “As a layperson commissioned by the bishop, Velik-Frank is under the authority of the bishop as her technical superior and the vicar general as her official superior.”

Bishop Marketz said the creation of the new office and Velik-Frank’s appointment were “not only important steps on the synodal path, but above all also concrete realizations of the strengthening of the laity, and women in particular, called for by Pope Francis.”

He added: “She has my full confidence that she will continue to put the synodal Church development on the right path and continue in the spirit of Pope Francis and the Synod of Bishops to restructure the Church in Carinthia and position it well for the future.”

Velik-Frank, who has coordinated the diocese’s Church development process for the past three years, said her new role was “a special honor and also a further sign of more leadership responsibility for women in the Church.”

Pope Francis has made several groundbreaking appointments of women to Vatican positions since his election in 2013. In July 2022, he named three women to the Dicastery for Bishops.

In January, he appointed Sr. Simona Brambilla as prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

Earlier this month, he named Sr. Raffaella Petrini as president of the Governorate of Vatican City State."

End of very disturbing article...

I'm sure that this lady is a nice person, but apparently she doesn't know the infallible tenets of the Catholic Faith! How sad...

This is the face of the new, novus ordo, synodal "church"!  Get used to it, because the next "pope," I feel, will be just as heterodox as Bergoglio -- or worse!

We must not obey such destroyers of souls, and must resist to the face, these infiltrators!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Pathetic, Heterodox, Heretic, Anti-Catholic "Cardinal" Cupich Praises Muslim ‘Brothers And Sisters’ At Annual ‘Iftar’ Dinner For Ramadan

 Like two peas in a pod!  Cupich and Dolan!

Why don't these modernist monsters formally become Muslims and bow down to Mecca, since they have so little regard for Catholicism?

I wonder, do these heterodox "cardinals" ever -- EVER! -- tell their Muslim buddies that they have to convert and become Catholic before they meet Our Lord at their Particular Judgment??? 

What "god" do these "hierarchs" believe in anyway??


Here is an article from and written by Stephen Kokx

Cardinal Cupich praises Muslim 'brothers and sisters' at annual 'Iftar' dinner for Ramadan - LifeSite

Wed Mar 5, 2025 - 4:55 pm EST

"(LifeSiteNews) — Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich is under fire for attending an annual Muslim-Catholic “Iftar” dinner.

“Happy to be at the … Muslim-Catholic Iftar in Morton Grove tonight to break the daily fast observed by our Muslims brothers and sisters during Ramadan,” Cupich said on X yesterday.

Cupich is one of the most liberal members of the clergy in the United States. He has attended multiple Iftar dinners in the past, dating to at least 2016. His praise for Muslims comes as New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan has also been receiving blowback for equating Lent to “Catholic Ramadan” this week.

Cupich’s X post was “ratioed” by Catholics on the site. What that means is that more users responded critically to it than supported or “liked” it.

“Would you please become Catholic?” one user seemingly fed up with his repeated dissidence asked.

“Muslim traditions: cool man! Catholic tradition: end it, very dangerous,” said another, who was seemingly drawing attention to Cupich’s hostility to receiving Communion on the tongue while kneeling.

Former LifeSite journalist Hilary White also weighed in.

“Repent and go to the press and tell them everything you know about the actions and functioning of the criminal McCarrick cult,” she said. “Then you need to resign and go spend the remainder of your days sweeping the stairs in whatever monastery you can convince to take you.”

This year’s event, organized by the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOCG), was the 26th annual Muslim-Catholic Iftar. Cupich’s predecessor, Cardinal Francis George, also attended the dinners before his death in 2015.

Dolan has also made laudatory comments about Ramadan, which he called a “season of penance.”

“Ash Wednesday is coming Wednesday, and that’s kind of our Catholic Ramadan, so let’s unite with our Islamic brothers and sisters in prayer and fasting,” he said.

The Vatican’s in-house news outlet Vatican News likewise described Ramadan as “a time of prayer and reconciliation for the good of Creation.”

Ramadan is a holy month in Islam during which adherents are called upon to abstain from food and drink from dawn until dusk, at which point they partake in an “Iftar” meal.

Unlike Catholic Lenten fasting, Ramadan often includes Muslims indulging in exorbitant Iftar meals and sumptuous morning breakfasts.

As previously reported by LifeSite, Christian fasting practices, which were downplayed in the Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), predate Ramadan, which began in 662 AD. Christians have also fasted since Apostolic times. The 40-day Lenten fast was fixed by the year 400 AD and has never included, as does Ramadan, nightly feasting and a predawn meal."

End of very revealing article...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...