The lunacy just keeps coming and coming and coming...
Heterodox, heretic Austrian "bishop" has taken it upon himself to create a new, extra-canonical title specifically for women!!
Let that sink in!
From the Pillar (Austrian bishop names first ‘episcopal vicaress’) comes this nonsense: "The Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt said Feb. 26 that Bishop Marketz had named pastoral theologian Barbara Velik-Frank to the new diocesan office of “episcopal vicaress for synodality and Church development,” beginning March 1."
While the move is sure to provoke a response from canon lawyers — because the title of vicar is reserved to priests — Austrian Bishop Josef Marketz claims he has created a new, extra-canonical title specifically for women.

The Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt said Feb. 26 that Bishop Marketz had named pastoral theologian Barbara Velik-Frank to the new diocesan office of “episcopal vicaress for synodality and Church development,” beginning March 1.
The term “episcopal vicar” is derived from the Latin vicarius, meaning “substitute” or “deputy” of the bishop. According to canon law, an episcopal vicar must be a priest, because he exercises certain delegated powers linked to sacramental orders on behalf of a bishop.
In German-speaking countries, an episcopal vicar is known as a Bischofsvikar. The female equivalent would be Bischofsvikarin. But Velik-Frank will have the distinctive German title of Bischöfliche Vikarin, or “episcopal vicaress.”
Other European dioceses have made comparable appointments. At least two countries have female episcopal delegates, who serve as territorial coordinators responsible for a region of a diocese.
In 2020, Marianne Pohl-Henzen was named as an episcopal delegate in the Swiss Diocese of Lausanne, Geneva, and Fribourg, responsible for the German-speaking diocesan region in the canton of Fribourg. In 2021, Céline Ruffieux was named episcopal delegate of the canton’s French-speaking diocesan region. Pohl-Henzen was succeeded in 2024 by the 32-year-old Isabella Senghor.
In 2022, Marie-Andrée Beuret was appointed as a co-episcopal delegate for the French-speaking part of the Swiss Diocese of Basel.
In 2024, Rebecca Alsberge began a five-year term as episcopal delegate for the vicariate of Brabant Walloon, Belgium. Local pastors have been asked to include her in the Eucharistic Prayer at Masses.
According to the Gurk-Klagenfurt diocese, the canonical basis of the new office of episcopal vicaress is Pope Francis’ Nov. 25 note on the synod on synodality’s final document, which said that “synodality is the appropriate interpretative framework for understanding the hierarchical ministry.”
The papal note, which addressed how the final document should be implemented in dioceses worldwide, said that “in many cases, it is a matter of effectively implementing what is already provided for by existing law, both Latin and Eastern.”
But it added that “in other cases, it will be possible to proceed, through a synodal discernment and within the framework of the possibilities indicated by the final document, to the creative activation of new forms of ministeriality and missionary action, experimenting and subjecting experiences to verification.”
The synod on synodality’s final document strongly endorsed the appointment of women to Church leadership positions.
It said: “There is no reason or impediment that should prevent women from carrying out leadership roles in the Church: what comes from the Holy Spirit cannot be stopped.”
Comment: is it from the Holy Ghost, or...??
(My emphasis.)
The Gurk-Klagenfurt diocese covers the territory of Carinthia, Austria’s southernmost and least densely populated state. It serves around 338,000 Catholics out of a population of roughly 570,000 people.
Outlining Velik-Frank’s new role, the Gurk-Klagenfurt diocese said: “As a layperson commissioned by the bishop, Velik-Frank is under the authority of the bishop as her technical superior and the vicar general as her official superior.”
Bishop Marketz said the creation of the new office and Velik-Frank’s appointment were “not only important steps on the synodal path, but above all also concrete realizations of the strengthening of the laity, and women in particular, called for by Pope Francis.”
He added: “She has my full confidence that she will continue to put the synodal Church development on the right path and continue in the spirit of Pope Francis and the Synod of Bishops to restructure the Church in Carinthia and position it well for the future.”
Velik-Frank, who has coordinated the diocese’s Church development process for the past three years, said her new role was “a special honor and also a further sign of more leadership responsibility for women in the Church.”
Pope Francis has made several groundbreaking appointments of women to Vatican positions since his election in 2013. In July 2022, he named three women to the Dicastery for Bishops.
In January, he appointed Sr. Simona Brambilla as prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.
Earlier this month, he named Sr. Raffaella Petrini as president of the Governorate of Vatican City State."
End of very disturbing article...
I'm sure that this lady is a nice person, but apparently she doesn't know the infallible tenets of the Catholic Faith! How sad...
This is the face of the new, novus ordo, synodal "church"! Get used to it, because the next "pope," I feel, will be just as heterodox as Bergoglio -- or worse!
We must not obey such destroyers of souls, and must resist to the face, these infiltrators!
Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...
St. Joseph pray for us!!
Gene DeLalla
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