Tuesday, May 14, 2024

This Evil Is For Real: Climate Scientist Suggests “Culling” The Human Population With A Deadly Pandemic To Solve The “Climate Crisis”!!!!!

  Does this sound familiar??

It should.  The "Covid" "pandemic" was the testing ground, now the "bird flu"...

The supposed mortality rate is many times more than the respiratory illness (known as "covid"), you know, the gain of function witches' brew cooked up in a lab and unleashed on humanity, attacking weakened immune systems, killing and maiming millions of people around the world. 

The article I will present, is from thegatewaypundit.com and written by SICK: Climate Scientist Suggests "Culling" the Human Population with a Deadly Pandemic to Solve the “Climate Crisis” | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

I also have a "sister article" describing Pope Francis' scathing attack on America because of our successful use of capitalism, benefiting not only the working Joe here in the U.S., but ignoring the fact that we feed more than half the world!  Why are these data never mentioned by the supposed pope of the (novus ordo) Catholic Church.  

Also, Bergoglio never points out that Communist Red China has some of the dirtiest air on earth, along with India, but it is the U.S. that he targets with his vitriolic venom...

I wonder why that is???

First, here are the details of this diabolical lunatic and his plan to reduce the earth's population by the billions in order to "save the planet" -- same, same as Bergoglio's submission to the anti-life U.N. agenda 2030!

"One government climate scientist made the mistake of blurting out the real endgame of so many radical environmental activists in a bid to preserve the planet: Killing off the human population.

Bill McGuire, a Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London (UCL), authored a tweet Sunday that lamented the fact carbon emissions were not falling nearly as fast as needed and suggested solving the “climate crisis” with a deadly pandemic to wipe out swaths of the human population.

“If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate,” he wrote.

After righteous backlash from social media users, McGuire deleted his post and whined that people were deliberately taking his words out of context.

He then lied and claimed that his initial post was about falling economic activity despite clearly referencing a pandemic killing off mankind.

As the National Pulse notes, McGuire is infamous for being a member of a British government body that advised politicians on the COVID-19 response. He also co-authored a report for the radical United Nations’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which helps influence climate policy worldwide.

McGuire is also not the first leftist to suggest exterminating the human population to solve the planet’s issues. For example, infamous animal rights activist Jane Goodall once floated reducing the Earth’s population to what it was 500 years ago. A University of Texas professor also called for killing 90 PERCENT of all humans to save the planet.

The Biden regime is funding dangerous experiments that could turn these vile individuals’ dreams into a reality. The National Pulse reveals Peter Daszak, a researcher with ties to Anthony Fauci, is still receiving millions in taxpayer dollars to “research” not only coronavirus samples in Wuhan, but also to source new bat viruses from Burma, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand, and other countries. Some of these pathogens are highly infectious.

American taxpayers are also funding risky Chinese research on the bird flu more transmissible, a disease that kills over 50% of the people it infects. COVID-19, by comparison, has a fatality rate of less than 1%.

These facts add fuel to the theory that COVID-19 was created as a trial run and globalists are planning to develop a far more deadly virus to provide a “final solution” to the human race."

End of article...

Do you think that the nonsense emanating from Rome emboldens these raving lunatics?  I do...

Here is the second article from breitbart.com and written by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.

Pope Francis: World Nearing ‘Breaking Point’ from Climate Change (breitbart.com)

"ROME, Italy — Climate change has brought the world to the “breaking point,” Pope Francis asserted in his introduction to a 3-day climate summit to be held in the Vatican in May.

A firm believer in the climate “crisis,” the pontiff wrote that he has “heartfelt concerns” for “our suffering planet,” contending that “the world in which we live is collapsing” because of humanity’s failure to adequately address the crisis.

It is “indubitable” that the impact of climate change will increasingly prejudice the lives and families of many persons, he contends, adding that its effects are already felt in the areas of “healthcare, sources of employment, access to resources, housing, forced migrations, etc.”

Citing the Bishops of the United States, the pope asserts that climate change “is one of the principal challenges facing society and the global community” and its effects “are borne by the most vulnerable people, whether at home or around the world.”

Indeed, San Diego Bishop Robert W. McElroy, whom Pope Francis elevated to the rank of cardinal in 2022, has argued that while abortion is a great evil, “the long-term death toll from unchecked climate change is larger and threatens the very future of humanity.”

Both abortion and climate change are “core life issues in the Catholic Church,” McElroy has declared, but neither should be identified as “preeminent.”

Curiously, Pope Francis has singled out the United States as particularly responsible for the climate “emergency” because of the “irresponsible lifestyle” of its citizens.

“If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact,” the pope said last October.

The alert folks at The Pillar Catholic, an online Catholic news outlet, pointed out at the time that in fact “U.S. per capita emissions are less than 1.5 times that of China,” adding that China’s per capita emissions levels “are significantly higher than the global average.”

The pope also failed to mention that in aggregate, China’s emissions are more than double those of the United States, and America’s air is among the cleanest of any nation, while China’s air quality is among the poorest.

In his introduction to the Vatican summit, which will be held May 15-17, Francis states that climate change is “no longer a secondary or ideological question, but a drama that harms us all,” adding that climate change manifests “a tragic and striking example of structural sin.”

End of very disturbing articles...

Lord have mercy on us!!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Crito Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St.  Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Remember Archbishop Sheen's Prediction Of The Establishment Of A Parallel "Catholic Church" Devoid Of Divine Faith?

  For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it behooves those believers to recognize the diabolical disorientation and condemn, in no uncertain terms, the sacrileges and blasphemies being allowed in the house of God!

Sadly, I have two articles that must be read and acknowledged as insults to faithful Catholics -- and to God almighty!

The two prelates involved are known for their heterodoxy over the years, but are still in active ministry continuing to spew their errors, heresies, scandal and confusion to those few remaining in the pews of certain -- and well-known -- novus ordo parishes...

First, we have this from lifesitenews.com and written by Stephen

Saturday, May 11, 2024

A Prime Example Of Morally Depraved Liberal Lunacy: Kansas City Star Celebrates Violent ‘Transgender’ Sex Trafficker Who Preyed On Single Mothers.

  Liberalism is a sin, period.

We have seen many examples of this, especially coming from the mouths and pens of our "elected representatives," many of them being part of the federal bureaucracy in that filthy swamp in D.C.

The current illicit, Marxist regime holding the Oval Office hostage, has emboldened the anti-life, anti-Christ maniacs to continue to push the culture of death upon pro-life, Natural Law-abiding Americans at breakneck speed.

We can only hope and pray that this November will bring some much-needed change in the direction of the nation, if not, then we can -- and should -- expect the mighty Hand of God to smite those demons and send them right to hell! 

Wouldn't that be something to behold!

The following article from lifesitenews.com and written by Jonathon

The reason for Satyagrahi’s incarceration is only briefly mentioned – the Star notes that in 2012, he “was sentenced to 30 years in a sex trafficking case and has been at several facilities since [his] conviction.” The Star treats Satyagrahi – who, in case you missed it, is a man – as a civil rights martyr boldly standing up for the transgender cause, asking for his opinion on whether the prison system has “made some positive changes” and publishing his critiques as if they are very important perspectives. 

Scott Taylor of the Bureau of Prisons’s Office of Public Affairs – and the Star has ensured that Satyagrahi’s imprisonment is very much a public affair – told the paper that his agency is very “gender-affirming” in its “provision of services” and “takes very seriously its duty to respect the dignity” of prisoners who are “self-identifying as transgender.”  

READ: California’s transgender policies led to sexual assaults, harassment of female prisoners, lawsuit says

The Star portrays Satyagrahi as a victim of a “transphobic” culture. “Satyagrahi was deeply confused about [his] gender identity from a young age,” the Star writes. “[He] was brought up in Black and Baptist cultures in Texas and felt like [he] had to ‘hide who I was.'”

“That was torment,” Satyagrahi complained, with the paper adding that he “questioned if [he] would be accepted, a struggle that forced [him] to fluctuate between [his] two identities.” “[He] started acting out,” the Star noted. “Eventually, Satyagrahi got into the sex industry in hopes that [he] could earn enough money to get on hormones, which [he] began taking in 2004, and undergo surgery.”

If the Star is to be believed, this man essentially started “recruiting women into sex work” – which is a very weird way to describe human trafficking – because of his struggles with gender dysphoria. “I kinda lost my way,” he admitted to the newspaper.  

But the Star swiftly moves on from Satyagrahi’s crimes and instead notes that he has been allegedly assaulted in prison, frequently hears “degrading language,” and has a difficult time “getting female commissary items.”

Other transgender-identified prisoners see him has a force for “change” in the prison, and the Star hails him as a “bright spot.” Unsurprisingly, one of the changes he wants immediately is “pat downs conducted by female officers” and fully-funded “sex change” surgeries. 

Satyagrahi, however, is a very weird choice for civil rights hero – or martyr, for that matter. According to Reduxx, court records and the Department of Justice files reveal that “he was a violent pimp who targeted the most vulnerable women and trapped them [in] the sex trade using violence… According to a 2011 release by the FBI, Attorney General for Civil Rights Thomas E. Perez said that Satyagrahi’s exploitation of vulnerable women through sex trafficking was the equivalent of ‘modern-day slavery.’”

Satyagrahi worked out of the Dallas-Fort Worth area and eventually “expanded his operations into a multi-state sex trafficking enterprise.”  

To facilitate this, he would “specifically target vulnerable women, specifically single mothers from troubled backgrounds.” According to the FBI, his victims “suffered physical assaults, sexual abuse, and daily degradation,” and that Satyagrahi showed a “callous disregard for them as individuals.” Reduxx reported that: “Satyagrahi required each woman to meet a daily ‘quota,’ giving him all of the money they collected. While Satyagrahi prostituted numerous women over the years, five sex trafficking victims were named in his 2011 indictment, all of whom were single mothers of small children.”  

READ: Gender-confused man begins serving life sentence for triple murder in California women’s prison

Despite the Star’s attempt at portraying the touching transformation of an emerging transgender civil rights icon, Satyagrahi’s behavior in prison indicates no change in his character. In fact, in 2020, he threatened a correctional officer who gave him boxers rather than the feminine underwear he had demanded, stating: “You ain’t gonna’ do nothing for me you f––n’ p––y. When I get out of [special housing] I’m gonna’ whoop your a– you f––n’ cracker.’” Which, I’m sure we can all agree, is not quite “I Have A Dream.” The Kansas City Star should be deeply ashamed. After reading that story, I doubt they still have that ability."

End of article...

As I wrote at the beginning of my article: liberalism is a sin, period.


Biden admin allows ‘transgender’ male convicts to be housed with women in federal prisons

At least one California inmate pregnant as ‘transgender’ convicts move into women’s prisons

‘Transgender’ man who fed 2 people to pigs incarcerated as ‘woman’ in female Oregon prison

Featured Image

Jonathon Van Maren is a public speaker, writer, and pro-life activist. His commentary has been translated into more than eight languages and published widely online as well as print newspapers such as the Jewish Independent, the National Post, the Hamilton Spectator and others. He has received an award for combating anti-Semitism in print from the Jewish organization B’nai Brith. His commentary has been featured on CTV Primetime, Global News, EWTN, and the CBC as well as dozens of radio stations and news outlets in Canada and the United States.

He speaks on a wide variety of cultural topics across North America at universities, high schools, churches, and other functions. Some of these topics include abortion, pornography, the Sexual Revolution, and euthanasia. Jonathon holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in history from Simon Fraser University, and is the communications director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Jonathon’s first book, The Culture War, was released in 2016.

Pray for the defeat of these maniacs and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

This Evil Is For Real: Climate Scientist Suggests “Culling” The Human Population With A Deadly Pandemic To Solve The “Climate Crisis”!!!!!

  Does this sound familiar?? It should.  The "Covid" "pandemic" was the testing ground, now the "bird flu"... ...