Sunday, September 3, 2023

Brute Force -- Up To And Including Assassination?

 I'm referring to our President Trump and the real possibility that if the radical leftists in power in D.C. don't get their way and keep Mr. Trump off the 2024 presidential ballot, the next -- or last? -- resort of these Trump-hating thugs just might be assassination!

This is not wild speculation, but something that has now been openly suggested as a dastardly tool, by none other than Tucker Carlson, to take out Trump. 

There seems to be bonified implications from various sources that point in that direction. 

Now we know that the lunatics in Hollywood have long called for prison for Trump, and now are clamoring for far worse if that doesn't happen, according to their bizarre words and actions.  

Information -- or should I say the plot! -- is coming to light that one of the main drivers behind this heinous plan for never-ending prosecution of Mr. Trump and throw him behind bars for the rest of his natural life, appears to be coming from the Oval Office, the handlers of the demented pervert, Biden, and the so-called Department of Justice... 

"Department of Justice"?  What a misnomer!

I will post three articles/interviews that give credence to the very real possibility there just might be such a diabolically designed plot to take out Mr. Trump.  (Note: I could post many more such articles that consistently show the hate and total disregard for justice in the once-land of the free and the once-home of the brave.)

All three are from  Tucker Carlson says 'permanent Washington' may try to assassinate Donald Trump - LifeSite (, written by Ashley Sadler, and Donald Trump talks assassination, Epstein and indictments in interview with Tucker Carlson - LifeSite (, by the staff.  Lastly:  ‘Bombshell’: White House visitor logs suggest Biden admin behind the prosecution of Trump - LifeSite (, written by Emily Mangiaracina...

I take these data and revelations very seriously, and you should too! 

Some of us personally watched President John F. Kennedy get assassinated while in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, have seen it over and over again on tape, or at least have read about that day that changed life in America forever, in classrooms across the country.

Please pray for the safety of President Trump, for our country and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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