Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Pure Evil, Pure Lunacy Emanating From Apostate Germany And Apostate Rome...

 This is bad, really bad...

Frankly, I'm a little sick and tired of reporting on the filth and apostacy that has infiltrated the novus ordo church.

I find it hard to imagine being a young Catholic these days, especially those handicapped with lukewarm and watered-down catechesis following the second Vatican council and popes who attempted to make the church more adaptable to the Zeitgeist, rather than the other way around!

But it's even a lot more than that...

Fortunately, however, there are many young Catholic families that have found the traditional Latin Mass communities and the immemorial Mass that created uncountable Saints and Martyrs since our Lord established the Church on the Rock of St. Peter -- who, himself, was martyred, crucified upside down on a cross... 

Consider the admonishment of our Lord to the many sinners He forgave in the New Testament to "go and sin no more"... 

What He didn't say, is that I accept you as you are; you will be welcomed into My arms when you leave this earth -- and, somehow, get passed your Particular Judgment -- regardless of your evil works!

To use some vulgar tongue here: Ain't gonna happen...

I have two pieces of pertinent information that points out that virulent apostacy that has led, and continues to lead, many souls to the infernal abyss...

The first, is from lifesitenews.com and written by Michael Haynes: 

Pope Francis appears to reject the idea that homosexuals are called to chastity - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Please watch the short video embedded in the article, and two, a video from churchmilitant.com(3508) Pope Francis Dismisses 'Sins Below the Waist' | Rome Dispatch - YouTube.

You will see and hear an astonishing development -- which, has, in reality, been going on for years now in the apostate German "Catholic" church, concerning the "blessing" of homosexual unions (also known as "marriage")...

Couple these data with an article I wrote yesterday (The Bishop Of Rome: "... Backwardness Is Useless...There’s A Correct Evolution In The Understanding Of Questions Of Faith And Morals.”)   And you have a perfect witches brew of evil and sin...

As always, judge for yourself...

And be sure to pray for conversion of these deviants and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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