Monday, August 28, 2023

The Bishop Of Rome: "... Backwardness Is Useless...There’s A Correct Evolution In The Understanding Of Questions Of Faith And Morals.”

 Evolution or revolution????

Is this, or is this not, outright heresy????

Please read the following article from the, written by Jeremiah Poff: Pope Francis blasts US Catholics for 'reactionary' views | Washington Examiner.

I am at a loss for words!

Just who is this man occupying the Chair of St. Peter????

"Questions" of faith and morals do NOT "evolve"!!!! 

The true Catholic Church can pronounce a better understanding over time, but since when can faith and morals -- always and everywhere believed and taught for 2,000 years! -- "evolve"????

The answer: only in the mind of someone who wants the magisterial teachings on faith and morals to evolve -- change! -- to fit the spirit of the world, the Zeitgeist...

Preach the truths of the Catholic faith like Bishop Strickland and  Archbishop Vigano, and you're dead meat!!!!

How much more proof do practicing Catholics need to come to the conclusion that Bergoglio is leading whatever is left of the novus ordo "church" over the cliff like a Judas goat????

The Bishop of Rome is in lockstep with the globalist elites attempting to establish a one-world "religion" devoid of the Holy Ghost and, consequently, of sanctifying grace!!!!

Amazingly, Bergoglio is signaling out the U.S. Catholic Church in his tirade!!!!

That's a howl, considering the likes of "cardinals" McElroy, Cupich, Tobin and other heresiarchs conspiring with Bergoglio to tear down and destroy the U.S. church -- and the universal church!!!!

One last thing... don't take my word for it, just do the tiniest bit of research and see for yourself then get ready to do battle with the demonic forces that have been unleashed against the faithful...

Truly sick and un-Catholic!!!!

Pray for strength and honor, we'll need it now more than ever!!!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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