Friday, August 18, 2023

This "Judge" Will One Day Be Judged By The Eternal Just Judge... Remember: Christ Or Chaos!

 It truly is Christ or chaos...

Here is another example of a society gone mad with bias and hate for those seeking protection and justice for the most defenseless of our species: the pre-born baby...

Remember the riots, looting, burning and destruction by the communist mobs known as BLM (black lives matter) and Antifa thugs just a few short years ago, especially in the liberal, Marxist ruled cities of Portland, Seattle, et al?

The overwhelming majority of those insurrectionists got away scot-free, with little or no jail time even though they caused over a $1,000,000,000 in damage, not to mention innocent lives and livelihoods destroyed and law-abiding citizens afraid to walk the streets of their own neighborhoods.

Well, as we know, there is a so-called two-tiered "justice" system in our beloved country, whether it be unfounded and blatantly false indictments against our real president, Trump, or pro-lifers trying to persuade women from killing their pre-born babies at the notorious abortion mills scattered across the fruited plain.

Here is a prime example of the lunacy of the leftist "judges" that sit on the bench, in most cases, for lifetime appointments, with impeachment the only recourse to remove them! 

From, written by Louis Knuffke, comes this ongoing story -- the trial, that is -- of several pro-life, God-fearing folks who could face up to 11years in prison for exercising their God-given, constitutional rights of the freedom to assemble -- and even to speak!

DC FACE trial: Pro-life defense not allowed to say 'infanticide,' 'abortion,' or 'innocent lives' - LifeSite (

The "judge" in this kangaroo court, is not allowing the defense attorneys to use the words "infanticide," "abortion," or "innocent lives"!   

Did you get that????

If anyone thinks I'm making this stuff up, here is an excerpt from the article: "The defense is no longer allowed to speak the words “infanticide,” “abortion,” and “innocent lives,” for they have been dubbed “inflammatory language.” What the judge is refusing to recognize is that both the defense and the prosecution understand that this case is important precisely because it has to do with abortion, and both sides care about it for exactly that reason."  (My emphasis.)

Dear readers, I repeat the title of my article: This "Judge" Will One Day Be Judged By The Eternal Just Judge... Remember: Christ Or Chaos!

Yes, Christ or chaos!

Pray for the defeat of these miscreant "judges" -- and for their conversion!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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