Wednesday, August 23, 2023

To The Demonic Left, The Slaughter Of The Pre-Born Equals "Health Care"...(Remember: Christ Or Chaos!)

 Please read the following article from, written by Kate Anderson: New CDC Director Mandy Cohen: My Priority is Killing More Babies in Abortions -

Here is the very first sentence of the article: "The new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Mandy Cohen touted her experience as a mother while defending access to abortion, according to an interview with Time published on Monday." (My emphasis.)

Does this make sense?  

Notice how the radical murderers of the pre-born use certain words and phrases to sound "moderate" when it comes to the killing of pre-born babies, equating abortion with "health care"?

How many "devout Catholic" politicians tout (mock!) their "faith" by claiming that, in some weird way, the Bible and even church teaching supports their diabolical position on the killing of pre-born babies??

This sick and demented thinking is out in the open; they have no fear of retribution or even admonishment from anyone.   This arrogance stems from two major sources... One, they don't believe they have to answer to God for their actions, and two, the weak and confusing words and actions from the novus ordo hierarchy when it comes to matters of life and death. 

But of course, the current regime in Rome condemns the authentic teaching of the Church that society does, in fact, have a right to forfeit the life of a criminal in certain circumstances.  But at the same time the Bishop of Rome invites de-population and pro-abortion lunatics to sit on powerful and influential "advisory boards"?  Not only that, but he has appointed high-ranking "cardinals" to head influential dicastery's of the Roman Curia that can twist what has always and everywhere been taught and believed into some modernist, monstrous distortion of church teachings to be more in line with the agenda of the Zeitgeist! 

Even non-Catholics and non-believers are confused and disgusted to the point of not even thinking or changing their mind of converting to the Catholic faith.  Why should they, when they read statistics and surveys of "Catholic" women using contraception and even killing their pre-born babies just as the heathen pagans do?

So why should anyone, Catholic or not, fear any pushback from the clergy when such folks are appointed to governmental organizations such as the CDC, when the current "administration" is headed by an apostate, "Catholic" who is doing everything in his power to push hard for females to have continued access to the killing of their pre-born babies?   

Remember: Christ or chaos!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



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