Monday, September 11, 2023

The REAL "9/11"...

 Well, here we are again... Another year has passed and another anniversary of the "9/11" "attacks" on America, and more specifically, the World Trade Center twin towers (let's not forget the 47-story, building 7, that was not hit by any plane or missile). 

Every mainstream media outlet has parroted the narrative of the "highjacked" jets that hit the towers, sponsored by Osama Bid Ladin and his nasty group armed with box cutters, who magically became expert pilots after a few lessons in single engine Cessnas down in Florida...

To get some "unbiased" "truth" about the events of that terrible day, I have checked out the two most "conservative," alternative news outlets that I frequent. 

I was sadly mistaken...

Much to my chagrin, both of those "trusted" news sites are also parroting the lies of what happened on 9/11, which cost the lives of nearly 2,500 American citizens, not to mention so many wounded in the short term and succumbing to long term diseases from the horrific dust and chemicals that floated through southern Manhattan after the towers collapsed.

Tons of articles and books have been written about the events surrounding the Twin Towers and what and who was ultimately responsible for the devastation and loss of life.  But only a scant few groups and organizations have stuck their necks out to find the real truth of what happened.  Some of the revelations are pretty dramatic and reflect the real treasonous rats responsible for the "9/11" disaster... Do some research and see for yourself... 

Instead, I will briefly comment on the data that completely destroys that false narrative and the resulting REAL "9/11" that followed...

So, what really brought the heavily reinforced, steel and concrete towers -- and building 7, down?

Some eyewitnesses saw jet airliners crash into the towers, creating a massive, but short-lived fireball from the jet fuel that ignited upon impact.  Those fires were short-lived and were not enough to melt the heavy steel beams as the official narrative suggests.  There is also an underbelly view of one of the planes (or missiles) that hit one of the towers, showing a cylinder-like object.  

That was never explained by the still-prevailing narrative... 

In addition, many first responders, police, firemen, medics, etc., heard many "little" explosions (cutting the inner core steel beams with thermite?) after the object hit the towers, but before it came down into its own footprint!

There are many more "anomalies" that are conveniently overlooked (or known beforehand that would take place after the fact?) that since the area was a crime scene, the evidence, as one case in point: the numerous remaining, twisted steel beams were almost immediately gathered up, put on ships and barges and sold to China as scrap. 

Then there is the unexplained, monstrous -- obvious -- "anomaly" of building 7 collapsing, by a perfectly timed demolition, into its own footprint -- as the towers did!

Aside from the corruption of the bad actors that brought the towers and building 7 down -- as well as building 6 being destroyed, what we have today is the REAL "9/11" -- the loss of liberties, freedoms and nearly endless wars and rumors of wars, also known as the "second Pearl Harbor."

This is not as far-fetched as it may sound...

Many have speculated, and rightly so, that the "sneak attack" on Pearl Harbor was a way for Roosevelt to officially get the U.S. into World War Two...

I digress...

Just before "9/11," the Patriot Act was already drafted and ready to be implemented!

Plus, in another "anomaly," the military was conducting drills -- almost the exact scenario -- either that day or the day before, of the towers being hit by highjacked planes!

Was "9/11" the cover for Iraq, then the Afghanistan wars that became part of this massive conspiracy to extend the American empire and enrich the deadly military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned the American people about just before he left office?

Fast forward to 2019-2020, and the beginning of the "REAL 9/11" of the covid scheme to inject a deadly poison into the arms of men, women and children, and de-populate the U.S. and the world of its 7,500,000,000 people to a more "manageable" half-billion! 

I have to warn everyone that the next covid scare is already on the horizon with more "variants," that can, and most likely will lead to more mandates for face diapers and booster shots, even though evidence is now overwhelming on the dangers of such lunacy...

So, I have to ask, who are the real enemies of our once-free nation: Arabs in caves thousands of miles from our shores, or our "elected" "representatives" in D.C.? 

You decide...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



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