Thursday, September 7, 2023

WHO Director Tedros Says COVID Is ‘Here To Stay,’ Urges People To Get Booster Shots. (It's Christ Or Chaos -- AGAIN!)

  The sheeple are in for another round of mind-control, lockdowns and the mandatory wearing of face masks (face diapers).  

The federal bureaucracy already has measures in the works to reinstitute draconian, Marxist, rules and regulations that will stifle -- again -- the livelihoods of the working public, as well as causing more small businesses to go bankrupt, no doubt.

Why will this happen?

Because of a supposed new "variant" of the flu bug known as covid that is "surging" in various parts of the U.S. and several foreign countries.

The 6 o'clock "news" anchors are already spreading a massive fear-mongering propaganda campaign preparing the dumbed down American populace for the need for more deadly shots just in time for a new school year and the deleterious effects on the health of school children -- and the elderly...

The timing for these new "variants" is not coincidental and is tied in to the upcoming 2024 presidential primaries and election cycle...

Why is this important?

Because if the fear mongering is successful, and voting districts prohibit in-person voting, then mail-in ballots will be used, leading to the potential for widespread voter fraud -- in favor of the Democrats -- and defeat of Republican candidates.  Keeping in mind that the unholy alliance between corrupt politicians and special interest money (Soros, et al) will allow the status quo -- and quid pro quo (read: treason) -- to continue unabated...

The following article is from, written by Andreas

Wailzer... WHO director Tedros says COVID is 'here to stay,' urges people to get booster shots - LifeSite (

At this point, some background information on Tedros is essential to understand just who is behind the move to control and enslave a once-free people of our beloved nation -- and the world!

From Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness: WHO Director Was Top Member of Violent Ethiopian Communist Party.

Here is the main body of this important article...

WHO Director Was Top Member of Violent Ethiopian Communist Party

ByKen Webster jr

Apr 6, 2020

You know that globalist arm of the United Nations who have recently been responsible for spreading misinformation about the COVID19 crisis to people all over the world?

It turns out one of the top members of the World Health Organization is a former member of the violent Ethiopian communist party.

This is the same group of people who denied emergency medical treatment to an ethnic group.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is accused of personally overseeing the extradition of dissidents who were later imprisoned and tortured.

The Summit News reports:

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has repeatedly parroted Chinese Communist Party talking points, constantly heaping praise on Beijing’s response to coronavirus despite the fact that China hid the truth about its spread and viciously silenced scientists and doctors who tried to warn the world.

Now we know why.

As John Martin explains in his excellent piece ‘The Crimes of Tedros Adhanom’, during his time in Ethiopia, the WHO chief was a member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), a violent communist revolutionary party which was listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government in the 90’s.

According to one Ethiopian newspaper, Adhanom was listed as the 3rd most important member of the politbureau standing committee in the TPLF.

Martin writes how the TPLF engaged in “systematic discrimination and human rights abuses” by refusing emergency healthcare to the Amhara ethnic group because of their affiliation with the opposition party. The Ministry of Health that oversaw these abuses was led at the time by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Birth rates were recorded to be significantly lower in the Amhara region compared to other regions and 2 million Amhara people “disappeared” from the subsequent population census.

 End of article...

Folks, if we don't stand up to these Marxist, globalist maniacs, then we get what we deserve... We must resist these anti-life, population control, anti-Christ monsters if we want to pass on our freedoms -- or what's left of them -- to our children and grandchildren.  Know that what passes for the federal government in D.C., under the corrupt Biden "administration," in cahoots with the WHO, has become the main enemy of a free people of the United States of America...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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