Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Mr. Robert Boehm, Vietnam Veteran, R.I.P....

  Bob Boehm was 78 years old; he died yesterday, at 7a.m.,1/17/22, after suffering severe respiratory distress.  

Mr. Boehm was more than a Vietnam veteran, a lot more.

But I would like to concentrate, at least for a few sentences, about Bob's service to his country (I knew him personally), and that included his fight to help the South Vietnamese people to retain their freedom from the brutal communists...

Bob and I both served in Vietnam, I believe around the same time: 1967-1968... While my assignments were completely different than Bob's, nevertheless, we both did our respective parts to achieve a successful mission in Southeast Asia.  I might add that regardless of the final outcome of that protracted war, militarily, it was a success (Read the book: The Lost Mandate Of Heaven).  The major failure was due to those in the political arena, as it always is.  The Leftists got their way and cut off crucial funding for the South Vietnamese forces, as the U.S. troops drew down its forces.

In some of my conversations with Mr. Boehm, he told me that he was a forward air controller -- F.A.C.  (Let me tell you that an F.A.C. flies in a single engine, Cessna-type, unarmed aircraft.  The F.A.C. flies low and slow, making him a prime and easy target for ground-based gunners.)   He relayed to me that he spent a good deal of time on his knees -- praying!  I can believe it!

Bob's impressive stature just might scare off a stranger from approaching him, but that would be a big mistake!  All one had to do, was to break the ice, so to speak, and realize that this good, decent, intelligent, Catholic man was more than willing and able to converse on any subject, especially about his faith -- and his devotion to the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary...  

As a Catholic, I don't presume to place Bob's soul in Heaven -- we are not Protestants (once saved, always saved!), but we can have hope -- and pray -- that his love of Christ and His most Blessed Mother readied him to meet his Creator and attain the eternal crown awarded to those who finish the race (St. Paul)...

R.I.P., my brother veteran...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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