Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Russia: We Are Dealing With Lunatics!

 When a wild animal is pushed into a corner, watch out -- he'll very likely strike back!  After all, it's his instinct to do so; it's fight or flight, and, in most instances, a wild animal will fight -- not flee -- even though he'll probably get wounded or killed standing his ground...

As I'm writing this missive, we are witnessing -- not a wild animal, but a country, continually being pushed into a corner by having its borders shrink, especially over the last decade or so, with enemy forces on the brink of invading.  At least those are the indications, from an objective point of view.  

So, what country finds itself in this threatening position?  


The old Soviet Union no longer exists, but that doesn't mean that the Russian Bear is D.O.A., far from it...

President Putin has been very patient with his Western adversaries, but that patience is wearing very thin, as NATO continues to build its forces -- including missiles -- a wee bit too close to Russia's borders. 

Putin has warned -- and not for the first time -- that he will not tolerate the Ukraine and/or Georgia becoming NATO members, nor the build-up of NATO forces on the doorsteps of Mother Russia...

With each passing day, relations between the two "great" superpowers are deteriorating at a rapid pace... Will the new year bring more tensions and the possibility of a hot, nuclear war, or will more cooler heads prevail?   

Will the world end up like Sodom and Gomorrah, or will Russia be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Maryso the world's people can go to sleep at night and not worry about being nuked into oblivion?

And then there's Red China...

With the incompetent puppet in the Oval Office, is it any wonder why our country has taken a hard left turn and abandoned the Moral and Natural Law in favor of a lust for power and control, including the destruction of the most helpless of our species: the pre-born American baby?

Here's an interesting take on what might be going through the minds of Putin and other powerbrokers in Russia as well as the idiots in the Biden regime...  It is written by Paul Craig Roberts and posted on Lewrockwell.com...

Do the Russians Realize They’re Dealing With Lunatics? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com.

Also, visit Mr. Roberts' website at: Paul Craig Roberts - Official Homepage.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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