Saturday, January 8, 2022

Neocons Playing With Nuclear Fire -- And The Potential Destruction Of Mankind...

 What's wrong with the lunatics who would taunt a superpower -- Russia! -- by forcing them into a corner with no place to go but to strike back at the nation or nations doing the cornering?

Have they lost their minds?

Do they have only arrogant pride in their hearts and souls?

Do they think that they will live forever, or that they will not have to account for their actions or inactions in this life?

Do they think that only they will survive a nuclear war and the nuclear winter that would follow?

Is that why some millionaires and billionaires are digging holes in the ground and building "bomb proof" bunkers?

Sure, one can stay in the ground like a mole, but lots of luck if one thinks that one doesn't have to "come up for air" at some point, at least to see what's left of planet Earth, or plant crops for food, that is, if the soil isn't completely useless or contaminated... 

There are literally tons of articles showing the absolute madness of the neocons "praying" -- that is, if they really know how to pray, albeit for the wrong reasons -- for some contrived, bizarre incident to pressure the current "administration" in to taking military action, in conjunction with NATO, against Russia, for its perceived aggression aimed at the Ukraine, et al, in that region of the world...  

And then there's China...

Will the New Year bring more "pandemics" aimed at controlling the populace, turning a once-free society into a draconian police state, such as we see happening in Australia and New Zealand? 

Will the New Year bring more wars and rumors of wars, especially in the tinderbox of the Middle East and now Eastern Europe -- again?

And perhaps one of the most important questions of all: Will the New Year bring continued weakness, as well as idolatry and other deadly forms of heresy from the supposed leader of the Catholic Church, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio?  

As the Church goes, so goes society, and if the Church is in chaos, and no longer looked upon as the moral and spiritual beacon it once was, then what can we expect from the nation's secular "leaders"?  

We can pray for the defeat of these maniacs -- and for their conversion!  But get prepared for a white -- or red? --martyrdom...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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