Tuesday, January 11, 2022

New Corroborating Evidence That 388,000 Americans Have Died From The "Vaccine"...

 Can this be true??

If you are a pro-life patriot who refuses to take the jab, you are among a growing number of Americans that are finally getting truthful information, penetrating the wall of censorship and misinformation that even big tech can't stop, then continue reading...

If you deny the official narrative and refuse to get "vaccinated," and you live in the state of Washington, know, that legislation is now under consideration to forcefully take the un-vaccinated and place them in covid camps!   If someone needs a translation, here it is: internment camps, concentration camps, segregation/isolation camps, etc... Very similar to what has been established in Australia!  

Does this sound familiar?  Any student of history knows that the Jews of Germany and Poland were also rounded up and placed in "internment camps" -- or better stated: concentration/extermination camps...

Will this really be happening in America, too???

Does anyone remember what happened right after Pearl Harbor (1941)?  Entire families of Japanese Americans were rounded up and placed in internment camps in the West, for dubious reasons at best, without any charges or due process of law, these Americans lost their jobs and businesses at the whim of the government elites.  In some cases, families were broken-up and separated.  But even under these horrendous conditions, some young men wanted to fight for their country, even though that country turned their backs on their rights, rights enshrined in the Constitution: to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... See my previous article here: 

Remember The History Of The Disgusting, Anti-American, Disgraceful Treatment Of Japanese-Americans Rounded-Up And Forced Into Internment Camps?

Then, please read the following article:

Letter to a Governing Body (substack.com)    Written by Margaret Anna Alice Through The Looking Glass...

This corroborating evidence can only be denied if one refuses to accept the reality that the current "administration," as well as those "blue states" run by Demonrat governor-dictators, and are completely brainwashed and propagandized into a mind-numbed state of acquiescing to obey the demonic powers that be, regardless of how detrimental those dictates may be, to you or your family...

Heaven help us -- and stay out of that state of lunacy and madness, Washington...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




Please read the entire article here:   

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