Monday, November 29, 2021

Remember The History Of The Disgusting, Anti-American, Disgraceful Treatment Of Japanese-Americans Rounded-Up And Forced Into Internment Camps?

 This horrific and disgraceful episode in our Republic was triggered by the "attack" on Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941.

In my mind, this was the second "day that will live in infamy," when Americans were deprived of their Constitutional rights, and forced into internment camps done out of fear, and, yes, discrimination and prejudice...

Keep in mind that entire families, not just military-aged males, were rounded up because of their race, and trucked to internment camps in California, one of three states that border the Pacific Ocean.  The thinking was that there might be some spies or those loyal to Japan, willing to be coerced into acts of sabotage right in their own homeland -- America...

(Of course, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was less than 2,500 miles from the "golden state," or Washington or Oregon, a mere hop-skip-and-a-jump for any modern navy with less than a week to reach American soil.)

During the time that the Japanese-Americans were behind barbed wire fences with armed guards patrolling the perimeter, living in not-so-comfortable conditions, there was still a desire to fight for their country.   I find it amazing that regardless of the conditions these Americans were subjected to after being forcefully removed from their homes and apartments, as well as losing any means of earning a living, there was still love of country engrained in the very fiber of their hearts and souls. 

Can this disturbing and traumatic event ever happen again in our beloved nation??

It is quite possible that such a horrendous display of stupidity and disregard for our God-given rights can, in fact, happen again...

I am referring to the totalitarian dictators that pose as elected representatives, not to mention those un-elected tyrants that wear white coats and stethoscopes around their necks with the designation of "Dr." in front of their names, as well as other health-care workers...

In light of the current rumor of a new "variant" of the faux pandemic, emanating from South Africa, the Marxist media is already in lock-step with their globalist masters to impose another round of fear-mongering and eventual lockdowns on the American populace.

In addition, there is a distinct possibility that those World War II internment camps may become a reality once again... What I just wrote is not some "tin-foil-hat" conspiracy theory, but a very real possibility that may come to fruition, imposed on those who choose not to get the filthy, deadly jab.  

This time, it will not only be patriotic Japanese-Americans, but any American who believes in the rights and responsibilities granted to us under the Natural Law, and built into every human being that enters the world -- a true gift from our good God...

If my readers need some proof of this, here is an article from LifeSiteNews, but this has been reported in other alternative media outlets as well... Read here: Australian army hauls 38 citizens to quarantine facility over some positive COVID tests - LifeSite (

It is happening in Australia; we cannot let that happen in the U.S. of A., not only for our own sakes, but also for the sake of our children and their children to come...

We must resist and pray for strength and honor to defeat these diabolical miscreants who do the work of the father of lies, Satan...
They know not God, their real Master!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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