Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 Regardless of what you may hear or read from the current Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, that the Church has cancelled the death penalty, that is his erroneous and scandalous opinion, and is not binding on the conscience of Catholics.  This unjust and uncharitable opinion, along with that of John Paul II, has helped those mass murderers carry out their fiendish crimes without the threat that they too, will pay with their miserable lives for their sins depriving the innocent of their lives, a sin that cries to Heaven for VENGEANCE!

Any Catholic who knows his faith -- as well as God-given common sense -- realizes the fact that the Church has always taught that the state has the right to forfeit the life of a killer in order to protect the commonweal.  

We have just witnessed another mass murder committed on the streets in the little town of Waukesha, Wisconsin, when a hater of white people -- and of life -- drove his SUV through a crowd of peaceful folks during a Christmas parade and celebration.  Included in the five people killed, were children, along with 40 or more innocents injured (wounded! this is a battle with the dark forces!)...

Here is an excerpt from the nypost.com...

 "The man arrested over the deadly Christmas parade attack in Wisconsin should have been behind bars following an arrest earlier this month, but was released on an “inappropriately low” bond days before the attack, the district attorney admitted Monday.

"Darrell Brooks, 39, is charged with five counts of intentional homicide over the deadly crash on Sunday in Waukesha that left five dead and at least 48 injured, police said.

"Brooks was out on $1,000 cash bail at the time of Sunday’s tragedy after he allegedly punched the mother of his child and purposefully ran her “over with his vehicle” in a Milwaukee gas station parking lot on Nov. 2, according to court documents.

"He was arrested and charged that same day with resisting or obstructing an officer, reckless endangering safety, disorderly conduct, bail jumping and battery.

"The Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office said Monday it had launched an internal probe into how Brooks was given such a low bond given the seriousness of the charges and his criminal history."

End of excerpt...

It should be noted that Brooks is a radical cop hater, as well as a supporter of the extremist, Marxist BLM movement.  

This punk, when convicted, should die a thousand deaths in the gas chamber, lethal injection, the electric chair, by firing squad, or hanging -- and, maybe all of the above!

What the liberal anti-Catholic popes fail to realize (do they really fail to realize, or is their opposition to the death penalty all part of the plan to weaken the Natural Law and official Church teaching that we all have the right to self-defense and to take the lives of those convicted of heinous crimes against humanity?), is that once a criminal is sentenced to death, it can serve two purposes: one, to protect the commonweal, and, two, to give the killer a chance to repent and redeem himself before he meets his Maker at his Particular Judgment.

Over 25 states still retain the death penalty, sadly, Wisconsin is not one of them!  

Pray for the conviction of this killer -- and for his conversion of heart, mind and soul while behind bars, but never to be set free...

Pray for strength and honor!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Arcangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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