Saturday, November 20, 2021

"Ex" Member Of Black Militia Threatens Parents At School Board Meeting: Says He Has 1,000 Soldiers Ready To Go, Locked And Loaded!

  Remember the freedom-killing -- and chilling -- information that surfaced a couple of weeks ago regarding parents' protests at their respective school board meetings?   The "department of justice," -- what a misnomer! -- in cahoots with the National School Boards Association, in a back-door-deal, got Attorney General, Garland, and, by his direction, the FBI, to classify those -- peaceful -- parents exercising their First Amendment rights, as potential domestic terrorists for standing up against the so-called Critical Race Theory (CRT) as well as the filth that so permeates the public indoctrination centers.

You read it right: parents concerned about the moral and spiritual well-being of their children, are declared to be potential domestic terrorists simply because they show up at school board meetings?!

Complete lunacy!

Now, I will present to you a real domestic terrorist that the "department of justice" won't touch with a ten-foot-pole: CRT supporter threatens parents: 'I got over a thousand soldiers ready to go... locked and loaded' (

This bizarre story has appeared in other alternative media outlets, but not, of course, what passes for the mainstream media...

Malikk Austin showed up at his local school board meeting and went on a diatribe about supporting CRT!

Fine, that's his right.

But!  Then he goes way overboard and says this: “We are not our ancestors,” Austin declared and then threatened, “I got over a thousand soldiers ready to go… locked and loaded.”

Either this man is a certified nutcase, or he is deadly serious, and should be taken as so, but, as I said earlier, the "doj" won't touch this miscreant with a ten-foot-pole...

Here is a snippet from the story: “I did feel threatened when watching the 11/9/21 video,” Missie Carra, who is a parent and Texas director of Parents’ Rights in Education, told Fox News. “Let’s be honest, in my opinion, when anyone turns toward an audience of mothers and yells ‘I have 1,000 people’ and ‘we’re locked and loaded’ it is difficult to misconstrue the intent of those words as anything else but a threat.” 

I agree, but will anything be done about this character??

What we are dealing with here, is an out-of-control federal bureaucracy under the control of the anti-American Left, targeting parents instead of the real bad guys who want to tear down our Republic and turn it into another Stalin-era Gulag...   

In addition, with the useful idiots in the Marxist media, there is little chance for un-biased reporting on any issue when it comes to freedom-loving Americans standing up for their God-given rights.  Yet that same media will support the likes of Malikk Austin -- and his "soldiers"...

Truly a double standard if there ever was one...


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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