Friday, November 19, 2021

Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic...


Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic...

One-hundred-and-nine-years-ago, the gargantuan "unsinkable" Titanic hit an iceberg and went down with about 1,500 passengers, with only about 705 being able to fit in the available lifeboats.  Adding to this unnecessary tragedy, over 1,100 bodies were never recovered...

I say unnecessary, because the number of lifeboats were well under the number to secure the safety of all 2,200+ passengers if the ship had to be abandoned...

Add to this disaster, was the fact that only ten miles away, there was another ship -- the SS Californian -- that had stopped for the night due to the ice fields in the immediate area, but did not respond to the Titanic's distress calls and signal rockets.  (It should be noted that in 1912, the international distress frequency and Mayday call for help -- SOS (save our souls) -- was not yet mandatory to be monitored 24 hours-a-day.)

It is quite possible, therefore, that all of the Titanic's passengers might have been saved if the distress frequency had been monitored. During the post-tragedy investigation, it was brought out that: "...despite being the closest ship in the area. Judging by available evidence, the Californian was likely the only ship to see the Titanic, or at least its rockets, during the sinking.[2][3] The United States Senate inquiry and British Wreck Commissioner's inquiry into the sinking both concluded that the Californian could have saved many or all of the lives that were lost, had a prompt response been mounted to the Titanic's distress rockets.[4] The U.S. Senate inquiry was particularly critical of the vessel's captain, Stanley Lord, calling his inaction during the disaster "reprehensible"'.

Instead, the Carpathia was the first rescue ship to reach the Titanic after it sank, plucking the survivors out of the numbing waters...

And even in tragedies, there can be heroes, and during the sinking of the Titanic, there were some notable ones, particularly a Catholic priest by the name of Fr. Thomas Byles of England, who was en route to New York to officiate at the wedding of his brother.  It had been reported that Fr. Byles had the opportunity to get into one of the lifeboats, but refused, and instead stayed and prayed with those who knew they were going to die.  A true hero and shepherd of his flock!


As you can see, I titled my article: Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic...

I wanted to give due respect for those who lost their lives on the Titanic and to any of their relatives that may still be alive to this very day.  But I also wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on what is going on in secular society, as well as in the ecclesiastical realm, concerning the turmoil and the destruction of lives we see being imposed by the tyrannical dictates (not laws!) of those powerful entities both in government and in the church...  

What is the ultimate goal of these anti-Christs who inflict pain and suffering without regard to the final destiny of their own souls?

I could take a wild guess, and say that the goal is to wipe out our Republic, and those who the elites consider "useless eaters": the old and infirm, all the way down to the tiny baby developing in the womb... This diabolical agenda finds support both in government and in what passes for the "Catholic" Church, under the leadership of the current occupant of the White House, as well as the occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, respectively, Bergoglio... Both are brazen supporters of the population control lunatics as well as a religion that worships the Earth, rather than Christ.

Those who cannot see this unfolding all around us, are "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," going about their daily business as if nothing out of the ordinary were happening, all the while families, businesses, lives and our God-given rights are disintegrating right before our eyes...

I place such individuals in the category of the dumbed-down.  You know, the Joe Sixpack type worrying about his favorite NFL team and if they have a chance for the playoffs... Or, if he has a full tank of gas for his Toyota and a 12-pack of Bud for the weekend.  These folks believe everything they see and hear coming from the lying likes of CNN and their criminal partners, and take it for Gospel...These are the same fathers and mothers holding the hands of their little children, covering their precious faces with face diapers, as they walk to-and-fro... 

They will also submit their free-wills to the tyrants-in-charge, flushing their rights down the toilet.  Not realizing that to give up their freedoms for "security," they will have nor deserve neither (paraphrasing Ben Franklin)...

The following is a Letter to a Tyrant, posted Margaret Anna Alice's website: Through the Looking Glass.  See here: 

Letter to a Tyrant - by Margaret Anna Alice - Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass (

"I won’t bother to reason with you or appeal to your compassion—because you have none.

"You are a foul, fetid, festering, fiendish, fear-fomenting fecker devoid of soul, purpose, and meaning. No matter how many lives you masticate, hearts you shred, minds you menticide, and puppet strings you try to throttle us with, you will forever remain a hollow husk of a simulated human.

"I know you envy us our feelings. You seethe with rage, jealousy, loathing, terror, disgust, and every other malevolent emotion, but you are incapable of comprehending love, joy, friendship, warmth, and abiding peace.

"This letter isn’t to beg or plead or ask you to stop. This letter is to put you on notice. This letter is to tell you the people are waking, and it is you who have shaken us awake. You have sown the seeds of your own obliteration, and those seeds are germinating.

"None of your efforts to enshroud the suncontaminate the soilbefoul the waterdefile the oceanstoxify the airautodarwinate seedssequester the food supplyextinguish species, or commodify the ecosystem can stop those seeds from bursting through the earth and winding their tendrils around your Nuremberged neck.

"In a way, we should thank you. You have shown your hand so recklessly because you were certain we would roll over. So confident were you in the psychological conditioning you subjected us to—following Biderman’s Chart of Coercion like a recipe—you expected us to jump in the pot voluntarily.

Biderman's Chart of Coercion

"You were half-right, sadly. But the fence-sitters are now witnessing the nuclear fallout from your detonation of The Great Democide, and they can no longer deny the torrent of reality acid-raining down upon us.

"Foolishly forgetting to administer the elite’s faux injections to the most visible tier instead of the commoners’ poison death shot was a clumsy fumble that’s too obvious to miss. You remembered a few celebrities like this one and this one but forgot the athletes, and now they’re collapsing in a pile on the field.

"And your victims, the ones you maimed, the ones you sterilized, the ones you failed to fell immediately, the ones whose loved ones you slayed, are speaking out about their suffering.1

"And now you’re coming for the children. Even the wokety-woke NPC Covidians aren’t buying it anymore:

Alyssa Milano Child Vaccination Poll Tweet

"And then you have an FDA shill making this reprehensible statement about the decision to inject children aged 5–11, “We’re never gonna learn about how safe this vaccine is until you start giving it.”

"Well, we don’t have to wait to find out. A twelve-year-old child just died two days after receiving the Pfizer injection, and the autopsy proves it. And these fourteen children died of such conditions as pulmonary embolism, intracranial hemorrhage, cardiac arrest, and myocarditis post-injection—only to be swept under the rug by BigPharma toady CDC. And deaths of male children have jumped 86 percent in the UK since the vaxx rollout. It is estimated that nearly 800 children have been killed from the injection thus far, and you and your colluders are only ramping up the pedicide program.

"You are commanding that children—whose immune systems are at their most robust and who face virtually zero risk of dying from COVID—put their lives and long-term health at risk by undergoing an experimental injection lacking long-term clinical trials and with substantially greater evidence of harm than good.

"According to this risk-benefit analysis, you will “kill 117 kids to save one kid.” And the proposition that this injection will save a single child is extraordinarily generous considering the nonexistent threat COVID poses to children and the availability of highly efficacious early treatment protocols and historically safe drugs such as ivermectin.

"As more and more children fall prey to your Mephistophelian machinations, you will unleash the Mama and Papa Bears—and then you will see a mass upheaval like you’ve never imagined."

End of Margaret's article...


More than ever, pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro (shot by firing squad during the Cristeros uprising in 1920's Mexico, fighting the Communist/Masonic monsters in control of the government), Fr. Emil Kapaun (who died as a POW in Korea) and Fr. Vincent Capodanno (killed on the battlefield during the Vietnam War, three months before I arrived in-country), pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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