Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The UN-Holy "Trintiy" Of Demonrat Governors...

 Actually, I can name twenty-four -- count them! -- twenty-four Demonrat dictators who hold the office of governor hostage; they did this by hook or crook, or, are the electorate in those states just stupid?  Do they really like being slaves to every whim of these maniacal haters of freedom?   Could be; brainwashing is very effective, after all... Remember, our prisoners of war (POWs) had socialist/communist propaganda pounded into their head's day and night, while, at the same time, being deprived of the most basic human necessities -- such as food, warmth and medical care...

So, are the citizens of the three states I'm going to name in a minute, all watchers and listeners of CNN, et al??  Are these the same slaves who go around -- along with the little children in tow -- still wearing face diapers, and UN-social distancing??  

(And it should be noted that two of the three governors are apostate "Catholics"!)

Without any further ad due, here are the three who make up the Un-Holy "Trinity" Of Demonrat Governors: Newsome of California (apostate "Catholic"); Kathy Hochul of New York (apostate "Catholic") and Gretchen Whitmer -- she claims to be some sort of "Christian"... I put the august handle of Christian in air quotes, because, as with many other so-called Christians, she is a radical supporter of the sins to cry to Heaven for vengeance -- abortion, homosexuality, etc... If that be "Christianity," it is right from the bottomless pit of hell itself!  Note, that the other two "Christians" are also facilitators of those two grievous sins that can separate a soul from God for all eternity, in other words, these Un-Holy "Trinity" members will condemn themselves, that is, if they don't repent and change the direction of their enormous power they have as the governor of their respective states... Am I making a judgment here?  Yes, absolutely.  I judge them by their demonic actions -- and omissions! -- of what they have to do: to guide their citizens to the Heavenly beatitude, believe it or not, that is their main duty as the chief executive, along with protecting the commonweal...

One more thing... It just so happens that New York and Michigan have the most "cases" and deaths from... Covid?  In reality, who knows, they don't know, it's all manipulation of numbers to get the highest counts for the perpetuation of fear-mongering and absolute control of every aspect of the lives of their citizens -- and money!  California is close behind... I wonder: can God be punishing these diabolical governors?  Or, is this all one, big "coincidence"?  I'll let you decide...

Pray for strength and honor!  And pray, too, for the conversion of these fallen-away brothers and sisters that they return to our Lord, as the Prodigal Son returned to the arms of his jubilant Father...

Vica Christ Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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