Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Government Narrative -- LIE -- Continues...

 If you can believe it, the CDC's own website lists "0" deaths from the flu, the week ending 11/6/21.

I asked, if you can believe it, because it's not possible that in a population of over 330,000,000 -- MILLION! -- in the U.S., no one died of the flu?

Now, the CDC also has one other column that includes deaths with the flu, but not exclusively from the flu.  It reads: deaths involving  pneumonia, influenza, or covid-19.  That figure is 3,361for the same time period...

That "or" is on the CDC's website; I didn't make it up.  So, what does that tell anyone with some still-functioning grey matter upstairs?

It means that the government narrative is a lie; they don't even know what is going on regarding what diseases are causing what deaths; they are just making up figures to keep the fear-mongering going to suit their diabolical agenda of complete control of a gullible U.S. populace...

How can such an "important" government agency presume that so-and-so is causing serious illness and death???

They are simply guessing.

Remember the, admittedly, silly example that I gave about using the word presumption concerning matters of life and death?  I'll repeat it here: imagine a NASA scientist or engineer comes to the conclusion that the reason for the Space Shuttle disaster in 1986, was due to a faulty "O-ring," and tells his superiors that he now has a new "O-ring" that he presumes will solve the problem and bring the Shuttle crew back home safe and sound.    

How long do you think it will take for that engineer to be fired on the spot??  I'd say about 5 or 10 seconds.  Wouldn't you agree?

So, why are we expected to believe the CDC when they say that ZERO folks died from the flu the week ending 11/6/21, in a population of over 330,000,000?  

I would say that their credibility is zero and has been for a long time.

What happened to all those who actually died from the flu?  I would also say that those numbers were put into the "covid" column and have been added to that column from day-one, that's how the deaths from "covid" have been manipulated to get to the yearly total of deaths of 759,204!  But other actual causes of death have also been added to the "covid" column too, including, but not limited to people being shot and killed, or die in car accidents!  I'm not making that up.

Consider too, that over 2,000,000 home PCR tests-kits have been recalled for showing false-positivesOVER TWO MILLION!  

In addition, those deaths occurred -- overwhelmingly -- in hospitals and nursing homes.  Not while in their own homes!  So, who is killing those who are ill and enter the hospitals???  Can you guess?

There's a the bottom line here -- it's called filthy lucre.  Not to mention the demonic plan -- yes, plan -- to help destroy the unique building block of society, the family.  This has always been the goal of the depopulation control Marxist baby killers from day one -- and it goes all the way back to Adam and Eve being thrown out from the Garden after falling for the lie from the father of lies, Satan.

And now, we have an emboldened, faux administration with its many tentacles reaching all the way through our Republic, including the medical and pharmaceutical industries, pooling their resources to devastate our God-given freedoms and make us pitiful slaves to their every whim...  Adding to this satanic conspiracy, is an anti-Christ sitting in the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio, a radical supporter of the "green reset," including the population control lunatics who he appoints to his "advisory boards"... Not my opinion, but facts that can be easily corroborated...  

Pray and resist, or succumb!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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