Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Back-Stabbing Traitors!

  Hard to believe, but true.  

Back-stabbing traitors are our elected representatives; they are in what passes for the Catholic Church; they are in our circle of friends; they are in the medical profession; they are in our hospitals; they are in the pharmaceutical industry; they are right next door; they are everywhere...

Is all lost? 

No.  But it is getting to the point that many of us faithful to Christ, will have to suffer because of this treason, especially from those traitors who sit in seats of power in Rome, up to and including the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, and his evil minions, doing the work of his father, Satan.

If Bergoglio was willing to sell-out the faithful Catholics in Red Communist China, driving them further underground, then certainly he would be -- and is -- more than willing to surrender the remaining flock in the Western world to the spirit of the age.

Because of his actions, he has unwittingly (?) emboldened the apostate Catholics who run -- and are ruining -- our beloved country, with the likes of Biden, Pelosi and numerous other self-described "devout Catholics."   

What makes matters even worse, is that all those "Catholics" continue to receive -- sacrilegiously -- our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, given to them, in many cases, by their traitorous "bishops," who, apparently, no longer believe in the Real Presence of Christ, that is, if they ever did.  This is reflected by the sad survey that 70+ percent of "Catholics" no longer believe in the Real Presence!  I can only hope that those apostates are receiving nothing more than a piece of bread, in other words, I pray that the Sacrament is not confected, thereby making it invalid.  

So much of what is going on in the world gone mad with political correctness, as well as gender confusion ideology, stems from the weakness of those males who have been appointed as our shepherds in the form of priests, bishops, cardinals and popes...

Why are the overwhelming number of bishops afraid to exert their power of ex-communication over those apostates who support the killing of the pre-born and other dastardly sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance?

The obvious answer is that they have sold their sacred authority to the evil spirits that so permeate the human population.  In addition to the fact that many are aligned with the Demonrat party and their diabolical agenda of "climate change," population control (reduction by any means), and many other movements, including earth worship, that have replaced the command of Christ our Lord to preach and baptize all nations for the salvation of souls...

Remember, what our Lord has said: be hot or cold, but if you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth like vomit...

I don't know about you, but that is enough to keep me writing and lecturing about the false, parallel church that calls itself "Catholic," leading millions of souls to the firey, bottomless pit for all eternity...

All things are connected: secular and ecclesiastical societies; they cannot be separated as some would have us believe.  There is no "separation of church and state"... That false doctrine has been condemned by real popes who knew the havoc of such a deadly proposition would entail...

Here is just one example of the diabolical emanating from Bergoglio... (You can read the entire article (written by Matthew J.L. Ehret) here: COP26 and Pope Francis’s Greening of Christianity - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com.

Referring to the COP21 Paris Accords, the Pope said:

“There is no alternative. We can achieve the goals set by the Paris Agreement only if we act in a coordinated and responsible way. Those goals are ambitious, and they can no longer be deferred. Today it is up to you to take the necessary decisions.”

And this: “We can confront these crises by retreating into isolationism, protectionism and exploitation. Or we can see in them a real chance for change, a genuine moment of conversion, and not simply in a spiritual sense.”

Here's more, if you can stomach it:  Nature was little more than a mother Gaia figure from ancient Babylonian times long past with the 2015 encyclical’s opening prayer reading:

“Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs. This sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her.”

End of excerpt...

I'm sure you don't need me to express outrage for you...

All this madness adds to the compelling need to pray for the conversion of these traitors, but not for their evil, godless intentions...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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