Monday, November 22, 2021

November 22, 1963... Does Anyone Care Anymore?

  Those who are old enough to remember the other "day that will live in infamy," should think about what really happened at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas on Friday, November 22, 1963,when John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated.  And despite the rumored -- or even facts? -- of his reported peccadillos, he didn't deserve to be shot in the head and have his life ended is such a gruesome manner...

JFK was the first Catholic president of the U.S. of A., but not the first Catholic to run for the highest office in the land.  In the presidential election of 1928, the Democratic Governor of New York, Al Smith, was defeated by Republican Herbert Hoover... In fact, to this very day, all the political and religious elites meet, joke and stuff their respective bellies at the annual "Al Smith Dinner" in New York.

In a seemingly coincidental act (or maybe it was planned?) three weeks before the Kennedy hit, the Catholic President of Vietnam, Diem, and his brother were brutally murdered after leaving Mass.  It is rumored that the "okay" to take them out, came from none other than the backstabbing, one-world-order politicos in the U.S., especially in the Kennedy administration's state department.  It was, however, made to look like there was dissention within the South Vietnamese government, and the military had to do something to bring the country back to an even keel in order to placate the rural population and guarantee action against the Viet Cong.

Not true!

And from that point onward, the South fell into the hands of a military junta (the term is now used to refer to an authoritarian form of government characterized by oligarchic military dictatorship... A junta often comes to power as a result of a coup d'état. The junta may either formally take power as the nation's governing body, with the power to rule by decree, or may wield power by exercising binding (but informal) control over a nominally civilian government).

I suggest the great book by Geoffrey Shaw: The Lost Mandate of Heaven: The American Betrayal of Ngo Dinh Diem, President of Vietnam.

This will give the reader another angle to this coup d'etat as apposed to the official narrative that we have been spoon-fed down through the years.

Another conspiracy theory?  No at all, just the facts... 

(I arrived in Vietnam four years after the assassination of Diem and Kennedy and served my one-year tour in that war-torn country.)

We all know what happened over the long years of the Vietnam War, and the resulting death and wounding of over 58,000 of my brothers (and sisters, yes some great nurses gave their all while serving and caring for their wounded brothers-in-arms).


As an aside, I can remember when I came home just before Christmas of 1968, I kept my Vietnam service "hidden," in the sense that I didn't want people to know that I did serve in Nam because of all the demonstrations and hate displayed toward my brother vets.  But that attitude has changed.  I have a different outlook and attitude about what happened and the result of my being there...  Sure, to this day I grieve and pray for all my brothers who didn't make it home, and for our POW/MIAs and their families, but I know I did my part to stifle the juggernaut of the Communist advance and takeover in South East Asia.  We took a stand, even though we vets of that war were, in the long run, sold out by those who send us to war, but never join us in the physical and psychological fight and the wounds that never heal... Those elites will have to answer some day -- many already have -- to their Creator for their actions and inactions in abandoning us and our South Vietnamese allies left to face a massive genocide of those kind and gentle people to the barbarian and demonic communists.  The scars that many Vietnam vets face are still with us today, in the form of suicide, drug abuse, broken marriages and the terror of nightmares, as well as the never-ending "gift" of Agent Orange; I speak from personal experience concerning A.O., as my 30-post-operation-radiation-treatments, then scans, are showing no recurring cancer at this time.  I will be monitored for the next several years at least... My only desire is to see my little grandchildren grow up right before my eyes!  What a joy and comfort they are to us!!


Will we ever know the full truth of what happened on that fateful day in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Tx., on November 22, 1963?  Probably not, but we can hope for some measure of justice in the years to come as more information becomes available, if it ever does, that is...

On this day, please say a prayer for John F. Kennedy, that our good and loving God will have mercy on the soul of the first Catholic President of the United States of America...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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