Saturday, November 6, 2021

The Confusing (On Purpose?) CDC Statistics Regarding Deaths From "Covid"...

 Here is the recent statistic on the number of deaths supposedly from "Covid": 751,178, as of the week ending 10/30/21...

Always remember footnote no.1 which reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

Next, let's look at the number of deaths from the flu during the same reported time period: one!  The previous week: eight!  The week before that: six!  And so on...

I ask: in a population of over 330,000,000 -- MILLION! -- only one person died exclusively from the flu???

So, our country is almost completely free of the flu ever since the "covid pandemic" started???  Could it be that those who suffered from the flu bug were purposely inserted into the column for "covid"?  It seems so...

Now, there are five other columns of statistics listed on the CDC website along with the "covid" and flu columns...

If you read the phraseology of the combination of factors that make up the statistics for those columns, you will see that even the CDC isn't quite sure what bugs or diseases makes up the statistics for those columns...

Furthermore, to use the word "presumed," when it comes to scientific analysis, tells me that there is a lot of guesswork, if not intentional misleading, involved in compiling those statistics, not facts.

I have used the following example to point out the stupidity of using presumption when it comes to such an important issue of who has presumed to have died from the supposed "covid" "disease"...

Most of us remember, or have read about the 1986 Space Shuttle disaster... It turns out that after the investigation of that tragedy, scientists and engineers stated that it was an "O-ring" that gave way and led to those astronauts losing their lives, dying in a most horrendous way.

If I was a NASA scientist/engineer, and I said to the investigative board, that I have a new type of O-ring, that I presume, will allow the Shuttle to safely take off and bring our astronauts back home after the mission is accomplished. 

How long do you think it would take for me to be fired on the spot??  About 10 seconds, maybe?

In the spiritual realm, presumption is one of the grave sins against the virtue of hope.  In the secular world, that presumption has lead to disaster, as we have seen over the last 18+ months or so, supposedly from the "covid" bug...

Now, it has been revealed that recent reports coming out of Italy, one of the nations hardest hit by "covid," with the original number of deaths attributed to that bug, 140,000, has now been drastically reduced to under 4,000!!!!


Because the truth is that those 140,000 people did not die from "covid," but with "covid"!

This revelation is a game changer, and reveals the lie that 751,178 Americans have died from "covid"!

In other words, the report from Italy is acknowledging that those who passed away had at least one, and in some cases, multiple co-morbidities, weakening their all-important immune systems.  

Will the CDC ever -- ever -- admit this?  No.  But this is something that I, and many others, have been saying and writing about for over a year-and-a-half now: The aim of the corrupt CDC, FDA, NIH and the Fauci tyrants is to maintain fear and control over a dumbed-down American populace who believes everything they see and hear on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc... and take their "news" as gospel without any effort to think and investigate the numerous alternative sources that dig for and reveal the truth of this massive conspiracy to deprive us of our freedoms and livelihoods.  And now, the bastards are going after our children, mandating the filthy, deadly jab for 5- to 11-year-olds!  

If that isn't something that makes parents' blood boil, then they must be half-dead zombies willing to sacrifice the health and future well-being of their precious offspring without a whimper...

Is it any wonder why more than just a few states have been considering seceding from the union to throw off the shackles of the out-of-control Marxist lunatics running and ruining our country?

It's going to get much worse before it gets any better.  After all, we get what we deserve...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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