Monday, November 1, 2021

The Roman Empire Lasted Nearly 1,000 Years! The American "Empire": 250 Years, Maybe?

  The FDA is fast-tracking the "covid" "vaccine" for 5-year-old children.

What does that have to do with the title of my article?

If women are losing their babies after getting the untested, filthy jab, and women's menstrual cycles are being disrupted, with the potential of eventually causing infertility, then the next step is to make, infertile, the present generation.

With fertility and birth rates already at the lowest of the Western countries, the last nail in the coffin of the American empire is about to be hammered in by the new-world-order, anti-Christ globalists, with the useful idiots in the medical, governmental, and ecclesiastical establishments, knowingly assisting in their diabolical plot.

The evidence is now overwhelmingly apparent and can no longer be denied...

It should be noted that the overwhelming majority of those who have died with -- not from! -- covid, have died in hospitals and nursing homes, all part of the conspiracy to deprive life and liberty of their patients by using deadly protocols instead of protocols that have been successfully used for decades!  In essence, the "doctors" and hospitals have become money machines when it comes to "treating" those with co-morbidities mixed with some strange bug and weakened immune systems from rotten diets and unhealthy lifestyles.  A true witch's brew for disaster.  But the medical and pharmaceutical monopolies continue to get away with outright murder, furthering the diabolical depopulation agenda worldwide... 


Abortion, contraception, homosexuality, euthanasia, and now infanticide, and the near total destruction of the holy state of matrimony, is hastening the evisceration of the family unit -- the primary building block of society.  The evil one knows that if he can take out the family, he has won the battle for the human race.

The nation cannot survive without continued vigilance and defense; without being willing to sacrifice for our families and our neighbors.  The American dream is fading away right before our eyes because of apostate "Catholics" who love evil and despise good -- the direct opposite of what we are supposed to strive for...

The bloody battles going on through the courts right now, regarding something that should not even be questioned -- the right to life -- is the restricting and abolishing of the heinous act of abortion -- the gruesome destruction of the most innocent of our species: the pre-born baby.

Our nation cannot be blessed with the mass murder of these little ones.  Our nation cannot be blessed with the inversion of the Natural Law.  Our nation cannot be blessed with the suppression of our right to worship God almighty the way He demands that we worship Him.  Our nation cannot be blessed when males "marry" males, and females "marry" females, is now a constitutional "right".  Our nation cannot blessed when a weak and compromised clergy capitulate to Caesar's demands at nearly all levels (where is that so-called "separation of church and state," by the way??).

And the Church cannot be blessed, nor survive when the Vicar of Christ -- a title now renounced by Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome -- has joined the Protestant "Reformation" (Revolt!) as well as earth worship with Pachamama and dirt "altars"... The Blessed St. Peter must be spinning in his grave...

I have listed just some of the threats to our Republic that come from within, but there are also many threats from without, especially the demonic communist regime in Red China, where, by the way, the faithful Catholics have been sold out by "the Vatican," with the 2018 "agreement" brokered by Bergoglio, sending the homosexual predator, McCarrick, to ink the deal, throwing those loyal to Christ, under the bus.  But appeasement never works, and this treasonous gut-punch will boomerang -- with divine intervention, perhaps?

Tie this together with the imposter-puppet holding the White House hostage, and we have another recipe for national disaster.  If America as we know it, doesn't survive, I can only hope and pray that there will be a Remnant, an Elect that will stand strong in the faith of Christ, our Lord, and enjoy His final victory over the father of lies, Satan. If we have to enter the catacombs, as did our early brothers and sisters in the faith, so be it...

But!  There may be some light at the end of the tunnel, as resistance and peaceful uprisings are increasing all across the fruited plain!  

Stay tuned!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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