Thursday, November 25, 2021

WARNING! Get Ready For ANOTHER False Flag, This Time It Might Be A Smallpox Or Monkeypox "Pandemic"...

  At the end of this article, I will post a short timeline that should wake you up, that is, if you are still asleep or in a complete brain-fog after being bombarded day after day by the official government narrative that if you don't wear a face diaper, or get the filthy, debilitating "vaccine," or "social distance," you will get sick and die.  

I address this to my Catholic brothers and sisters, or anyone with an once of common sense still left in their brains: how many of you believe this lie???

If you do, why???

Are you aware that the majority of those who supposedly have died from "covid" die in the hospitals and nursing homes???

Are you also aware that hospitals get additional monies if someone is tested "positive" for "covid" that they get even more filthy lucre if the poor soul is put on a ventilator -- an almost sure death certificate!

Are you also aware that the so-called "covid" bug has never been isolated, even under a powerful microscope?

Just as many states and local government entities are "allowing" their residents to get back to some sense of normalcy by lifting face diaper and other "mandates" (mandates are NOT laws!), we are already being warned of another rogue virus, this time it might be smallpox or monkeypox... 

Let's face it, these demonic, devious "authorities" are hell-bent on crushing our freedoms and forcing us to bend to their every whim, in other words, enslave us if we don't get the mark of the beast and snitch on those who refuse to get the jab...

If you think I'm exaggerating, think again... Take a look at what is going on in Australia and Austria... The Australian army is now being used to round up those un-vaccinated folks and transporting them -- forcefully -- to internment camps!   If you don't believe me, check for yourselves, the info is in the public domain.  But you won't see it in the mainstream, Marxist media, though, so do a little digging and you will be shocked -- I hope...

What is the ultimate goal of these madmen?  Population control, or, should I say, DE-population of billions of the world's people.  This too, is not an exaggeration, but confirmed by the likes of Gates and the so-called World Economic Forum, founded on 24 January 1971 by the satanist, Klaus Schwab

What is their instrument of destruction?   World-wide, mandatory "vaccinations," filled with who knows what, stifling fertility and killing those who they consider "useless eaters," another "final solution".  If that sounds familiar -- and it should -- go back to the history of the 1930s lunatic, Hitler, and read and see what happened to the Jews, Catholics and others who were a roadblock to the "super-race" and systematically eradicated from the face of the earth...

These Frankensteins will stop at nothing to implement their diabolical agenda to become their own little gods, creating and destroying whom they want, when they want for whatever purposes their demonic minds can concoct...

WARNING! Timeline Shows Threat of Incoming Smallpox False Flag (

Is this all circumstantial evidence, presumption, conspiracy theory?  Perhaps, but I must point out that miscreants have been convicted of murder on "circumstantial evidence"...

Prepare to fight these barbarians with personal sanctification as well as the Second Amendment!  "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!"

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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